General Keywords

One of the biggest and most common mistakes that someone makes when new to PPC Advertising is bidding too high under very general, low converting keywords. These are keywords such as money, cars, music, and jewelry. General keywords are keywords that are very ambiguous and often times when people search using these keywords, they do not know what they are looking for. More importantly, they are most likely not willing to make a purchase. For example, the keyword "money" could pertain to currency, stocks, real estate, making money, debt, etc. If you are selling an e-book on how to "make money" as an Affiliate Marketer, you could attract a variety of people to your website. Perhaps someone would be looking for information on how to make money by selling on Ebay, or how to make money by buying stocks, even how to make money by doing surveys. If you are selling an Internet Marketing Ebook, chances are that you are not going to be able to persuade someone trying to make money buying stocks, to buy your top rated product!

Rule of Thumb: If you cannot target a website specifically to a keyword, then chances are the keyword does not convert very high. Although you can have a great landing page and do a fantastic job pre-selling, how are you going to effectively promote anything under the keyword "money". If your website focuses on selling Internet Marketing Ebooks, all of your keywords should be highly relevant to this.

What Are the Benefits of Your Products?

If you are selling an Internet Marketing eBook, put yourself in the mindset that you are a buyer. What kind of information are you looking for? People who want to buy an Internet Marketing Ebook may be interested in:

  • Learning about Internet Marketing
  • Learning how to make money working online (at home, on the net, on the internet)
  • Selling Products Online
  • Learning How Internet Marketing Works
  • Increasing Online Sales
  • Taking their Business Online
  • Driving new Customers to a Business (online or offline)

When starting a new campaign, it is very important to make a list of "Benefits" that people may be looking for. You can then base your keyword research around these benefits.

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I like the Alexa recommendation. However, point #2 under Affiliate Programs needs better clarification. I am not a 'math-person' and I would appreciate a better example.
Pretzel Premium
Hi Carson,
I like the idea of using Alexa. I had not thought of this. What is Looking forward to more tips on discovering top keywords.
Thank you for this tutorial.
nocode Premium
Hi Carson,
I like the idea of using Alexa. I had not thought of this. What is Looking forward to more tips on discovering top keywords.
Thank you for this tutorial.
thesue Premium
What are a good monthly search guideline?
imosher Premium
What are a good monthly search guideline?