
Have you ever found yourself looking at a site and wondering if it is a "hot" new product, or whether it has been around for a while? It is also nice to know if you can take advantage of promoting the product keywords. For example, when browsing the Internet, you come across a site called Wealthy Affiliate. You can typically base a site's quality on how much traffic they receive, depending on how long they have been around.

You can determine a website's traffic using You simply type in the URL of the website you are trying to find out information about and it will give you traffic statistics on the website. From this data you can determine whether or not a website receives traffic. If you are promoting a product (or thinking about promoting it), and the web page has an Alexa of over 1,000,000 we suggest that you avoid promoting their affiliate program unless the product is BRAND NEW. Chances are this site receives low traffic for a reason.

If a site has a good alexa (under 100,000), chances are there is opportunity to promote the product keywords and receive decent traffic. For example, has an Alexa ranking of 12,248 over the last 3 months. This means that is 12,248 most popular on the entire Internet. You can safely assume that this site receives traffic through search engines, and some of the time the visitor comes to the site by searching product related keywords. These would be search terms such as:

wealthy affiliate
wealthy affiliate review
wealthy affiliate member
wealthy affiliate membership
compare wealthy affiliate
does wealthy affiliate work
buy wealthy affiliate
order wealthy affiliate

If you use the overture tool, you will see that the search term "wealthy affiliate" received over 300 searches last month, which means that it gets decent traffic. You can now take advantage by promoting these search terms promoting Wealthy Affiliate as they are not only high traffic and highly relevant, they will convert like crazy.

Merchant websites that receive a lot of traffic are popular, and are often gold mines for Affiliates.

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I like the Alexa recommendation. However, point #2 under Affiliate Programs needs better clarification. I am not a 'math-person' and I would appreciate a better example.
Pretzel Premium
Hi Carson,
I like the idea of using Alexa. I had not thought of this. What is Looking forward to more tips on discovering top keywords.
Thank you for this tutorial.
nocode Premium
Hi Carson,
I like the idea of using Alexa. I had not thought of this. What is Looking forward to more tips on discovering top keywords.
Thank you for this tutorial.
thesue Premium
What are a good monthly search guideline?
imosher Premium
What are a good monthly search guideline?