The ad-inserter interface may seem a bit complex when you first see it, but do not let all of the numbered tabs scare you.
Those tabs are the areas where you can paste your ad code, and also where you can configure the settings that you would like to use for a particular ad.
When you click the Tab numbered 1, you will be working in the "Ad Block 1" area, when you click Tab numbered 2, you will be working in the "Ad Block 2" area.
You do not have to place anything in all 16 ad blocks, I generally use no more than 10 ad blocks on my sites, because I do not like to overwhelm my site visitors with ads.
Here I am working in "Ad Block 1".
I have pasted my wealthy affiliate banner code, and selected "Insertion" so that I can set where I want the banner to display.
The Insertion area is pretty self-explanatory. Yoiu can have the ad in this block placed before your post, before the content in your post, before a set paragraph or after a set paragraph etc.
In the image below, you can see that I have set this particular ad to display after paragraph 5. I am also selecting "center" as the alignment for the ad, so that it will be centered in my posts page.
Once I save this ad, then it will be instantly placed in every post I currently have on my website, and will also be automatically added to every post I create on my website.
Here is a post that is currently showing on my website, before the ad has been saved.
Here is that same post, with the ad included. As you can see, the banner ad has been placed after paragraph 5, and it has been centered neatly in the middle of the post as I set it to be in the configuration area of the ad-inserter interface.
I just installed the Ad-Inserter and wonder if you suggest anything to be changed on it from a new user just publishing their website?
I'm bombarded with info right now just trying to get started, but if a couple of things need to be changed in the settings I'll get to it.
Still got lots to learn, as I want to use the manual feature for certain post. Question if I to put an add using the short code, where do I get the short code for to insert there.
Thanks so much. Great job!
This plugin is also asking for it. What do I do? Any advice appreciated as I've wasted DAYS looking and trialling various plugins to no avail.