Writing or Editing the WordPress Post
The next step is to write the WordPress Post.
Note that the next lesson displays the 'code' in more detail and explains some of those 'code' elements in more detail.
When adding or editing a WordPress Post, it is possible to change modes from "Visual" to "Text" and back again. To use the following technique, change mode to "Text" Mode. Once the image has been added and the other details specified, feel free to go back to "Visual" Mode if that is your preference.
The technique used is adding a special area to the screen called in technical terms a "div". The size of this special area is defined. The space around this special area is defined which is usually white. The location of this special area is defined. The image is put into this special area.
Continue unto the next lesson, for the discussion about some of the values that we need to specify.
Hopefully many people will tune in to this and grow. Some people don't want to hear the 4 letter word "code" and would prefer to pretend it isn't necessary. Your tutorial is just one example why it is.
Thanks again, peace my friend! :-)