6. Get to Know Your Competitors
Interacting with the market is also crucial. Follow other influencers and affiliate marketers in your niche to start your Twitter outreach. Technically, they are your rivals, but you must engage them as well.
How do you do that?
Follow as many influencers and people as possible. Retweet them and add your thoughts. You can add value to your retweets this way.
You can grow your affiliate business by actively participating in a channel that connects you with other influencers and potential buyers. Engaging with others in your niche will help you to become more well-known. Twitter is not for broadcasters only. People don't speak to loudspeakers.
7. Teach Your Twitter Followers
You can make Twitter work for you if you are serious about making it work for your benefit.
It's Twitter Laziness to post just a headline for a blog or product review with a link. This kind of stuff is getting old among Twitter users.
Instead, encourage your followers to click on your hyperlinks. To spark their curiosity, they will need to click on your hyperlinks.
Ask them a question about your blog, product review, or latest blog post. You can quickly pique their interest.
Drop the link to the post after you ask the question to help your followers satisfy their curiosity. Your followers will click your link to answer the question that you have just asked.