After you clicked on Apply at the end of Step 2 the page would have refreshed and now you have all of your blog posts listed on one page. Now we move on to the next step.

Step 3

Select Title (under Bulk Actions), on the left side of the page. Doing that will now select all the posts on the page. Then the next thing to do is to click on the drop-down arrow to the right of Bulk Actions and select Edit from the options you see, then click on Apply.

Be careful so that your mouse doesn't slip and select Move to Trash instead because if you mistakenly select that option and then apply it you'd be trashing all your posts. Definitely not a good idea.

Step 4

Find the Pings option on the right of the Edit box and select the Do Not Allow option. Then click Update.

That's it. You're all done now and will be free of annoying Ping Back and Track Back comments like i am. Now let's move on to making sure that Pingbacks and Trackbacks will not be able to make their way onto any new posts that you write from now onwards.

This is an important step that you must take to complete the process. So let's move on to the next page to see how to prevent Pingbacks on new blog posts.

Hit Next Page below to move on to page 4 and prevent Pingbacks on new posts

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ColleenF1 Premium
Thank you, DonJam! Your step-by-step instructions helped me immensely!
Ahimbe Premium
Spam can ruin your mood and waste time.
I am happy with the content of this training.
It makes me better.
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Great training module, Donald! Thanks for sharing!
DonJam Premium
Thank you Jeffrey. Glad you liked it.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely awesome training. Thanks so much.
This was so easy to follow and hopefully I will have no more problems with these issues.

Your training was nice and clear and easy to follow.

Lily 😊🎵
DonJam Premium
Thanks a lot Lily. Happy to have helped you get past these annoying things.
jetrbby80316 Premium
I hear that the plugin Word Fence is great for security.
DonJam Premium
Yes, I have heard of Word Fence too, but I'm really trying to stay at a minimum number of plugins on my site, and I found that this method works perfectly for me. Especially with the existing posts which were really getting a lot of comment spam. I also believe that Wealthy Affiliates provides adequate security for our sites.

The problem really is knowing that you need to disable that pingback and trackback setting early when you set up your blog, and if you didn't catch it early. Knowing how to disable it on posts that you've already written.
jetrbby80316 Premium
Sorry I didn't read most of your training here.
Yes, I have pingback and trackback setting disabled on my site - good point:)
DonJam Premium
That's ok. No problem at all. I know i struggled a lot with the problem. I asked Site Support about it and in their usual lightning fast response they told me about disabling the pingback and trackback setting, but i was still getting this stuff on my older posts. So i found the solution to that. I think others might have the same problems with their existing posts too.

Have a great day.