Greetings to all from Adelaide in South Australia!

I have been following a guy by the name of Jeff Bullas for quite some time now, and he comes up with some really fantastic stuff to help people you and me!

2017 is bearing down on us at a scary rate of knots!

Already there are so many rumours floating aroun about what will be happening with Social Media and Internet Marketing in general, it's really hard to keep up with all the news that is being spread around!

There has been quite a lot of information starting to fill up my inbox already, so I am trying to filter out what the rubbish is and what might be of interest to share with you!

We can't argue that Social Media is becoming a force WE MUST reckon with in 2017 and beyond, so I thought this information on how to humanize your social media marketing tactics from now on might be timely for all of us to take note of!

How To Make More Money - 7 Tips To Humanize Your Social Media Marketing!

"Humanizing social media marketing is an art, and it’s hard to master.

But not everyone instills a human element into their social media marketing, primarily because people consider it unimportant.

After all, there are chatbots to answer queries and respond to complaints.

For your online brand, be it blogging or dealing in the actual sale of products, you have to interact with your audience.

The reason is because people sitting on the other end don’t feel cared for anymore!

To them, your presence is faceless and all they can think of is you sucking them dry of their hard earned money.

If you don’t engage with your audience, how will they know you’re just not in this to fill your pockets and profit? (although usually the objective)!

Building trust with your customers goes a long way. There’s no substituting that!

It is less costly for any company to get a customer to repeat purchase or share your content than creating a new one altogether (only logical, wouldn’t you agree?).

So let’s see how we can become more engaging on social media by humanizing social media marketing."

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theresroth Premium
Thanks for this, Steve, it is highly timely!
It's something that's been bugging me when I connect with other marketers on SM. You mostly feel you are being sold to. And immediately the popup for a newsletter if you go only one step further.....
Surprisingly enough, the exception so far has been an astrologer lady who always addresses me by name, and writes to me personally. As a result of this, even though her readings are not from the type of astro-schooling I favor, I have already bought two of her in-depth readings.

Yes, the personal touch.....:-))
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Therese...
It works!
And the personal touch works here at WA as well!!!!!!! :)
theresroth Premium
Yes, my friend, it does, it has deeply connected me to everyone in this place......:-)))
jtaienao Premium
Thanks Steve for the excellent training. Building trust with your audience is quite important.

Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Jerome...
Trust is the biggie!
stiwari78 Premium
Great insight and learning. Wish a very happy and prosperous new year, Steve
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks Sarita...
Much success to all of us for 2017!
PaulineT Premium
Very thought-provoking. Thanks Steve.
Steve1958 Premium
It is!
I appreciate you took the time to have a look!
Happy new Year Pauline :)
PaulineT Premium
Same to you also Steve!!:)
reanna1 Premium
Thanks for another excellent training, Steve!
Steve1958 Premium
My pleasure Rebecca...
I learned quite a bit from it as well!