Engage In Conversations...
"You can sell your brand by posting ads...you’re allowed to do that.
There is nothing wrong with it, but don’t do just that!
You should try to engage your customers in a conversation.
By asking for their feedback, their preferences, or thanking them for reading your blog.
If your target audience tends to comment on an external thread, try stepping into the conversation.
Let them know that they are important to you, that their every word is helping you shape your services en route for improvement and continued excellence (no, I’m not asking you to lie)."
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Admit When You Are Wrong...
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Thanks for this, Steve, it is highly timely!
It's something that's been bugging me when I connect with other marketers on SM. You mostly feel you are being sold to. And immediately the popup for a newsletter if you go only one step further.....
Surprisingly enough, the exception so far has been an astrologer lady who always addresses me by name, and writes to me personally. As a result of this, even though her readings are not from the type of astro-schooling I favor, I have already bought two of her in-depth readings.
Yes, the personal touch.....:-))
It's something that's been bugging me when I connect with other marketers on SM. You mostly feel you are being sold to. And immediately the popup for a newsletter if you go only one step further.....
Surprisingly enough, the exception so far has been an astrologer lady who always addresses me by name, and writes to me personally. As a result of this, even though her readings are not from the type of astro-schooling I favor, I have already bought two of her in-depth readings.
Yes, the personal touch.....:-))