Step 4: Create Good Content

Now is the right time to start doing keyword research and strategizing into action.

You must think about the user when you create content. What is the target audience, and where can they be found in the conversion funnel? These questions will help determine which keyword to optimize. SEO content should be on-page.

Keyword consistency -Keyword density is passé, as Google has a better way to read the content. You should now use your keywords naturally in your headers and subheads, as well as your body content.

Value - This is the hottest trend in SEO right at this moment. Create killer content and focus on the value your user receives. You should tie that to the intent of the keyword. Your content should solve a problem, provide information, or answer a user's question.

Links - Both internal and external links are essential for SEO. It is not just about backlinks. Adding internal links to high-authority pages can help spread link juice around your website. Evidence suggests that linking to high-quality resources can improve your SEO.

Images - Nobody likes landing on pages that are just text blocks. To improve the user experience, you should use pictures on your website. You can use the alt attributes to optimize images for SEO. Google uses the alt tag as a way to "see" an image. That is where you can describe the picture. You will have another chance to use your keywords with relevant photos.

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EdwinBernard Premium Plus
Hi Lily,
You provided an in depth approach on SEO that goes beyond the basics. Excellent training.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks so much, Edwin. I appreciate your feedback.

Pedrone Premium
and thank you for this tutorial

Have a great Sunday

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Have a great Sunday Pietro.

Pedrone Premium
for sure!

:o) ciao
Parameter Premium
Thank Lily, Search engine optimization is not negotiable expecially keyword research
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely. It's something you can't ignore or fudge your way through.

muslimah Premium
Thank you for the helpful tips, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Muslimah.

JKulk1 Premium
My posts all rate in the 80s and some in the 90s. I don't try to get higher results than this as I believe some areas can be over done. Thanks for another fantastic tutorial Lisa. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks, Jim. I tend to agree with you that if you get too picky your style can feel too robotic. I'm always getting reminded to add more transition words but it spoils the flow of the writing. So I settle for between 80 and 90, that's fine.
