I have heard it said that if you do not intend on using Pinterest on a regular basis that you should not even bother with it, however, I still have a Pinterest account and I still gain followers though I am NOT an avid user.

  • Don’t just setup a new account and wait, follow up to 10 people a day on a brand new Pinterest account.
  • From the top right-hand, click on the first icon that looks like two people’s head and should shots. Then, on the next page, click on the single head & shoulders icon that has a PLUS symbol.

You will then see a list of users “Recommended” for you to follow. When I checked my account, I had 24 accounts displayed, so I clicked to “Follow” them all.

If you are a serious about using Pinterest, you might want to keep a spreadsheet listing the name of the Pinterest account holder and the date you followed them. Then, if they do not follow you in a timely manner, you can simply stop following them.

  • Join Pinterest groups that are relevant to your niche. The reason I suggest this is that those who follow groups show up as followers of the owner of that group board only. Yet, pins to the group board from all contributors in the group show up in the home feed of every group member who follows that group board. So then, any pin you add to the group can now appear in the home feed of your followers AND the all of the followers of the group board owner.

Websites like pingroupie dot com offer a quick way of finding group boards to follow.

Be careful not to abuse any group board. I recommend that you get accepted and watch to see what other’s are sharing (pinning) and then share sparingly any GREAT pins so that your pins will be more apt to be clicked on and shared. Most groups will ban you if you spam or do not follow their rules.

I do think you will need to keep a list of your group boards in a spreadsheet, as I won’t be hard to lose them after awhile.

There are other paid for tools to help you gain followers in any social media account. Those do not need to be mentioned here, as they are readily found in any search on the internet.

  • When sharing your pins, make sure you pay attention to your headlines and make them compelling. Good content needs GREAT titles! Apparently, using “I” and/or “my” in Pinterest titles works BEST.
  • Give seriously considering for using keywords in your descriptions, just be sure they are the keywords being searched for on Pinterest.
  • Use images that demand attention. Beautiful images get repined. Create/share enough beautiful images and you gain followers.
  • Comment on other’s pins, and repin other’s great pins.
  • Post original images, so if you have your own great photos you want to use, you should do so on Pinterest.
  • Run a contest, though you do need to make sure you follow Pinterest’s guideline on contest FIRST. In searching Pinterest’s site, I could not find any specific rules on contests so you will need to either follow others examples by searching for contests on Pinterest... or you can contact Pinterest from their help center: https://help.pinterest.com/en/help-topic/Businesses%20and%20...
  • Make sure your website displays your Pinterest account link.

Next = How to Get New LinkedIn Followers

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jetrbby80316 Premium
Nice training, alot of work went into this. Appreciate it!
Triblu Premium
Thank YOU Kaju!
BrianCh Premium
Hi Trish, thank you so much for covering all these platforms.

All the best,

Triblu Premium
Glad to help you Brian, thank you for letting me know. :-))
RiaBatista Premium
Very good article. Thank you for sharing.
Triblu Premium
Thank YOU Yanuaria!
Pernilla Premium
Trish, this training is absolutely a treasure for me. Social media is still new territory to me. I have joined Google Plus, but have not got accustomed to it yet. The other week I joined Facebook, thanks to Bo Tipton I understand how it works a little bit.

I have bookmarked your training and I am going to study it thouroughly.

Trish, could it be that there was a glitch in the WA system and the training was not sent as a notification?

This training must go viral!!
Triblu Premium
Hey Pernilla,

There definitely is a glitch in the new layout... one that is effecting comments, blog posts, questions and training... and, Carson is busy working on resolving these issues.

Glad you enjoyed the tutorial.
Loes Premium
Thank you for sharing your views, and I am so sorry this training about more Social media followers was ignored.
Triblu Premium
Thank YOU Loes!
Loes Premium
My pleasure reading your training, Trish