Sell From Your Facebook Fanpage

Many businesses discover that this can be tricky. It is not easy to build a high enough Relevance Score for your page’s posts to appear in your followers’ news feeds.

Therefore to make money on Facebook using your fan page you need to create and share content that people value on a regular basis.

If you engage in influencer marketing, your influencers can help you with this. They can provide the useful and authentic content, and direct their supporters to your fan page.

You could consider adding some Facebook advertising to improve the reach of your sales posts. But don’t forget, to build up an organic audience, the bulk of your posts cannot be sales-oriented. They need to be valuable and/or entertaining to your potential audience.

With Facebook Advertising it’s essential to remember where most Facebook users are in the Buying Cycle. They are not using the platform with an aim to buy anything at all. It is not like advertising on Google, where potential buyers search for terms to help them make a purchase. People come to Facebook to chat with their friends, catch up with what their acquaintances are doing, and watch funny cat videos – not to buy your product.

Therefore it is your responsibility to build a sales funnel. To do this you want to reach as broad an audience as possible – so you should share a variety of content. Provide a mix of links to quality blog posts, videos, funny anecdotes, controversial statements, infographics, and anything else you think will attract people to you. They should, in some way, relate to the product you are promoting – or at very least the type of people who would be interested in your product.

Once you have created a base of supporters (either by yourself or with the help of influencers), you should start promoting content to them. Pay attention to the engagement levels on these posts, and share more of the type of material with the highest engagement.

You should then consider promoting content in ads targeted to Lookalike Audiences. Although these people will probably never have heard of you before, they have demonstrated from their past activities that they have similar interests to the people who have followed you. Therefore it shouldn’t be too complicated to attract these audiences with your content.

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Maddy55 Premium
Some of this went over my head, because I haven't quite grasped the funnel aspect and haven't quite absorbed the 'influencer' part. You obviously know your stuff though, and I hope to become as fluent in facebook marketing as you are. I will, for now, bookmark your post for a later time when it will make more sense to me.
Bibian2 Premium
No problem Maddy, take your time
davehayes Premium
Well, this is an entirely different outlook on Facebook Marketing. Now I have to admit I detest the social side of facebook, but do have a page, which combined with a group I own, so having read this post, it might be time for a rethink on this particular strategy, bearing in mind I have just read the Diamond Traffic Training.

Thanks for sharing Bibian
Bibian2 Premium
Thank you so much for finding it helpful
elores Premium
Very good information to know. Thanks for sharing.
Bibian2 Premium
You are welcome
Bibian2 Premium
Thanks for finding it informative
EandS2018 Premium
This was a great read, and very informative
Bibian2 Premium
Thank you friend
MKearns Premium
Valuable insight here Bibian
Bibian2 Premium
Thanks Mike