So, now you have your account, it’s time to create your page. Follow the step by step instructions below to get your page up and running;

  1. Go to your Facebook Dashboard (Home Page)
  2. Click on the ‘Pages’ tab on the left column.
  3. When it opens, again on the left column, click on the ‘Create a Page’ tab.

Now, you will see a small section on the left. This is the section you will use to fill in your page details. The larger section on the right will

show you a preview of how your page will look when it’s like when it’s published.

4. Go ahead and Enter the name you want your page to be called in the top box of the “Create Page” section.

5. The second box down is entitled ‘ Category’, and when you click on it, you should see s dropdown menu showing all the various categories for you to choose from. Select the category that is most relevant to your business.

6. The next box will ask for a short description of your page. Fill in a brief description of your business, but remember to keep it brief. You can fill in the ‘Long Description’ at a later stage.

7. Click “Create Page” when you’re done.

You will now be taken to the page where you can upload a Picture for your Page. This will be the picture that everyone sees when they come to your page or when it’s shown in the search column. So you may want to take your time to choose something good. If you already have a business Logos, then you can just use that if you like. But there’s no rush. You can always skip this until later.

8. When you’re happy with the photo, click “Create Page”.

You now have a Facebook Page up and running. Now you can contain all things related to your business to it’s own page with no need to have it pour into your own personal life Now you just need to learn how to manage your page.

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Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Terrific advice.
Lily 😁🎶
Proprov Premium
Wow! Just Wow! I couldn't even come up with a question because you were so informative. I have been thinking about how to even get started opening a business page on fb. I can't thank you enough. God I love this WA family!!