And the next three points ...

6. Enabling or disabling user registration

Basically, you need to define the default role that will be associated with each and every new user:

As you can see, you have multiple options here: subscriber, contributor, author, editor and administrator. Now, if you don't want to allow guest posting on your blog (you are going to be the sole author) you'll have to choose "Subscriber", otherwise you could use "Author" or "Contributor". The other two options are self explanatory ...

One more thing here ... You need to turn off the "Anyone can register" option as I did in the above image! Why? Because if you don't do that , you'll get tons of bots trying to register to your site!

7. Discussion settings

This is the page where you can change various settings for discussions, comments, comment moderation, etc. It's a really confusing page, so I will give you a simple screenshot (for the first part of the screen) with my recommendations ...

Here it is:

OK. Now let's see the second part of the screen ...

You have two entry fields ("Comment Moderation" and "Comment Blacklist") where you can specify what comments are allowed and what happens when you want to hold comments for moderation. In these fields you can enter basically anything, but the most common options are URLs, names, profanities, words or sentences and email or IP addresses. Believe me, once your site is up and running, you'll have to add new domains, IP addresses, words, etc on almost daily basis. Sadly ...

At the bottom of the screen there are various avatar-related settings ... Here are my recommendations:

8. Media settings

By default, Wordpress will automatically create three different sizes (thumbnail, medium and large) for every uploaded image:

As a result, your site will be loaded up with a bunch of unnecessary files, which is definitely not a good thing ... Don't worry, all you need to do, is to set all those values to zero:

If you are going to create your own images - and I strongly recommend you to do so - you'll be able to define the optimal sizes, formats, compression levels, etc. If you are planning to use images from other sources, you'll need an efficient compression plugin in order to minimize the loading time for your images (pages).

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Claudiojuan Premium
Excellent tutorial Zed,
I have some questions:

The password that WA gives you is necessary to change it, when? In the section of permanent links the last 2 are:
-Name of the post
-Personalized Structure
What is the difference between the two?
If my site has categories, pages and post, which would you choose and why?
Thanks for your help.
smartketeer Premium
Hi Claudio!

Thanks for your time!

So ...

1. As a first step you probably want to create your own personalized, easy-to-rember password. And of course, you should change it every single time when you detect any suspicious activity, for example failed login attempts

2. The name of the post will give you the standard post name based on the slug. The personalized structure will allow you to add other variables top, for example date, etc

3.1 If you are using WordPress as a blog, then you will end up using posts for majority of your site’s content. Posts are content entries listed in reverse chronological order on your blog’s home page. Due to their reverse chronological order, your posts are meant to be timely.

3.2 Pages are meant to be static “one-off” type content such as your about page, privacy policy, legal disclaimers, etc. While the WordPress database stores the published date of the page, pages are timeless entities.

3.3 Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts. Think of these as general topics or the table of contents for your site. Categories are there to help identify what your blog is really about. It is to assist readers finding the right type of content on your site. Categories are hierarchical, so you can sub-categories.

Hopefully I've managed to answer your questions.

Claudiojuan Premium
Many thanks Zed.
If I have "categories" in my site What is the type of permanent link that you would choose?
I´m working with Personalize Structure is OK for you?
smartketeer Premium
I'd recommend post name, but of course, it has to be your decision :)
EandS2018 Premium
Awesome job many will benefit I know. Very well done Congratulations,
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for reading and thanks for your kind words Elaine!

Hopefully they will :)

newmarketpro Premium
I learned one new thing from your tutorial i.e. setting the image dimension to '0'. I normally leave it as default. So I believe this is the reason why sometimes the uploaded images turn blurred - I need to test it out.
Thank you for taking time and create this training.
I believe this will be useful to our new members.

smartketeer Premium
Thanks for your time Joe!

If you've learned at least one thing, I achieved my goal :)

Yes, those blurry images usually are related to the pre-defined image sizes created by Wordpress.

By default, WordPress offers predetermined image sizes:

Thumbnail size (150px square);

Medium size (maximum 300px width and height);

Large size (maximum 1024px width and height);

Full size (full/original image size you uploaded).

If you are using a given (different) image size for your posts and that image size can't be proportionally resized to these default values, the result is a blurred image.

And before you ask :) You can define the exact size of your images in many ways when you are creating your content, but there are situations where you can't (at least without altering the source code) define the image sizes. One example: when a related post plugin displays thumbnails ...

newmarketpro Premium
That's very clearly defined.
Thanks a lot.

smartketeer Premium
No questions?

Joking :)

Thanks for reading Joe!
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for reading Roger!
bigrog44 Premium
No problem. I enjoy reading.
smartketeer Premium
Good to hear that :)

bigrog44 Premium
You're welcome.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you so much for this helpful and useful information.

Much appreciated

smartketeer Premium
Once again, thanks for your time and your feedback Jennifer!
Jadatherapy Premium
You are most welcome Zsoit

Keep up the very good work and help you are doing here
