OK. Let's see the next two points ...
2. Changing the display name
First of all: the display name is NOT your username! The display name is the name that appears on your posts or on your comments.
On the very same page where we have changed the admin password you can see two fields marked as "Nickname" and "Display name publicly as". If you have followed my instructions in the previous chapters, you'll see the following screen:
If you select the "Display name publicly as" drop-down list you won't see any other options, but all you have to do, is to enter the desired name in the "Nickname" field and the new display name becomes available instantly:
And of course, click the "Update Profile" button.
3. Deleting the demo content
At this point your site contains a few content pieces that have been automatically created when you installed the Wordpress application. More exactly: the demo post called "Hello world!", the sample page with some dummy text and a comment sample. All you have to do is to select the targeted content type in your admin menu, and to hover your mouse (or to check the box) in order to display the contextual menu options:
Then, just click the "Trash" link to delete the given content piece.
I have some questions:
The password that WA gives you is necessary to change it, when? In the section of permanent links the last 2 are:
-Name of the post
-Personalized Structure
What is the difference between the two?
If my site has categories, pages and post, which would you choose and why?
Thanks for your help.
Thank you for taking time and create this training.
I believe this will be useful to our new members.
Much appreciated