Measuring attention

The best headline is the tested headline. Nowadays everything is measured. What attracts the most attention? Large companies have multiple websites and not everyone sees the same website. Both websites have different titles for their articles.

Algorithms keep track of which title is clicked the most.

On the internet you often only see the title, with a small introduction.

Click here for slogan/title generators

What makes a title attractive?

A good title entices the reader to click on it and to continue reading. If your title matches the content, you have a good chance that they will share it. A good title is as personal as possible. What influence does it have on the reader's life or on a certain group. That appeals.

If a title is relevant for someone, it immediately stands out. But with certain words you can trigger much more.

How can you write a good title?

Adding personal words makes it increasingly appealing to people.


Due to the enormous amount of available data, it becomes very important to create the ideal news headline in detail.

How much words should a title consist of to get as much attention as possible?

Recent research has shown that the ideal title consists of 15 words for Facebook. And the the idealtitle is 10 words on linkedin.

The use of words also has an influence. Emotional sentences do well. The 3 most popular emotions are, AWE, LAUGHTER, and AMUSEMENT

Tears of joy

Make you say AWE...

Give you goosebumps

This is so cute

Shocked to see

Melt your heart

Can't stop laughing

but also:

Shocked to see

Unbelievable, you've got to read this

I felt disgusted

Read this guilty pleasure of …

I was a nervous wrak after...

List of Emotional Vacabulary Words

For many internet users it is no longer about the content, but about generating as many clicks as possible.They call that clickbait titles. The interest of the visitor is not central there. And you are disappointed in what you find after the click.

Many websites earn money per click or per view. Their titles often focus on sex, violence and/or sensation.

Serious sites are also increasingly expressing themselves in clickbait titles. So, there may very well be a good article behind a clickbait title.

I will come back to this later, first something else. Algorithms

Page 4: Algorithms

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MarionBlack Premium
Great clarity in here, Loes.

Yesterday I was on a games website and almost clicked on an ad because it looked so much like the games that were being displayed.

When I'm creating thumbnails for my videos I try to make them look different to everyone else's. It's also called "pattern interrupt".
Loes Premium
That's a smart move too 👍
wmac Premium
Great Post and well written to drive the point home of attracting attention with our post and on our sites.
Loes Premium
Thanks 👍
Twack Premium
Well now, this is a stunning piece Loes. So much information to work with, so as to further our efforts. Thank you.
Loes Premium
Thank you, success 👍
Claudiojuan Premium
Many thanks!
Loes Premium
You're welcome 👍
Fleeky Premium Plus
Love it!
Loes Premium