A Short Recap - OK, we have covered the first three elements (the headline section, the introduction, and the credibility component)...Now we will move on to the next four.

I wanted to split this tutorial up somewhat evenly, so the next (and last) section will cover three more elements (for a total of ten) and then we will close out the tutorial...

This is important stuff, so do not give up! Slog your way through it, and take notes!

The next four elements covered on this page will cover the benefits element, the features element, the bonus element, and the value build-up element...

Let's get started - have a look at the below 'tidbit' first!

As you write copy for your sales letters, put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. Why would they need what you are offering? How will it benefit them?

OK let's move on to the next element in a sales page - item 4...

(4) Add In The Benefits

With all the work you have put in with the elements to now, you are at a point where people are definitely interested in what you have when they read what you have added. They know what the product is and they have seen that you are real, plus the item itself has some strong social proof validating that it is what you say it is...

The next thing prospects will want to know is what your product actually offers them. In other words, what are the benefits of the product?

My advice is to add this section using a simple bullet format - people will read through these and they are easy to digest/understand for most people. People tend not to like long paragraphs.

They really want to know just the facts, and the more you can present then in a plain, simple, and quick to read format the better. Bullet points fit the bill - they look good and are easy to include on your sales page. They also tend to break up the rest of the text you have added...

Here are some examples:

(1) Will save you xxx hours of work...

(2) Saves you 20 percent of your grocery budget…

(3) Gives you peace of mind…

(4) Easy to use…

(5) Be able to pay down debt…

(6) Be able to spend more time with your kids rather than working too many hours…

(7) Be able to put money into savings…

(8) Be able to invest in the stock market…

(9) Be able to buy a luxury yacht…

Remember that almost every person has at least one 'hot spot.' By using a bullet format they will see theirs right away...

This is a very important element...

Make your bullet points very specific and elaborate to your product or service.

Order them from the most important or the highest priority down to the least. No problem on the number, add as many as you can think of...

Adding too few will actually hurt the look and effectiveness of your sales page. Remember you need to connect with everyone, so think this through. If you list only a few, you will limit your chances of making that connection with some visitors to your sales page.

Each visitor to your sales page is there for their particular reason. This is reaching beyond the 'what' and 'how' into the 'why'...They want to know how it will benefit them based on their 'hot spot.'

(5) Add In The Features

For the next section of your sales page, you will tell them what your product is, in great detail. You will outline what exactly what it is that you are offering and details of what all it includes. If it was a page for Wealthy Affiliate, lay out all the features that they will gain access to...

Although you are adding in all the details, you do not need to drill down too much. Give them enough information that they want to take action and see for themselves, This draws them in. They will have to take action and sign up to see more. If you do this for each feature, again bullet by bullet, at the end you have a ready and eager buyer.

So do list what the buyer is going to get, but just not ALL what they can do with what they get...Just give them a taste, draw them in, and get them to sign up!

(6) Add In Any Bonuses

These days, most IM sellers will add in something extra to further entice the prospect. The reason is that today most buyers have been trained to expect this.

Indeed, some people will check around to see where that can get the BEST bonus prior to making a purchase,

People love getting something for free. Consider this carefully when you decide how much to add for bonuses and the kind of bonuses you offer....

Remember the fact that most people want to get something for nothing because somehow it helps to validate their decision to purchase an item.

So always pull together a related bonus that is congruent to your offer, and give it away without any charge...Something they would be willing to pay for is best.

Here are some tips to help you with this portion of the sales page.

(1) Provide REAL Value. Again, include a bonus that has real value for your buyers. If you do not, it will come across as cheap and you will too!

(2) Describe The Bonus. Add a good description of what the item is you are giving away. If it is a training course, tell then what they will get access to. If an eBook, tell them what is to be found inside.

(3) Put a Dollar Figure to the Bonus. Adding a figure for the value is a good thing too. Just do not go crazy saying a $20 item is worth $300. I have seen that and it kind of turns me off. Sometimes I will not buy from that seller just because of this.

Also, consider adding several bonuses. This really pumps up the page and looks good to the prospect.

Do not add in a ton though, or they may think you are trying to sell based on the bonuses only, not on the product...Rather, even just one or two that are of real worth to a buyer is enough most of the time.

Bonuses can sell the package for you. Remember my story of people shopping the bonuses to see which is the best? They were intending on buying anyway, so then whoever had the best bonus gets the sale!

(7) Add In Your Value Build-Up

This is now the point at which you have to show the prospect that they are getting a good deal. They know who you are and what you are offering, they know the benefits and features, and they know what kind of bonus they will get.

At this point one reason a prospect may turn away from buying a product is they still do not see the value in terms of dollars and cents. I call this element the 'dollarizing' step..

You will use this element to show them that.

Up to now, they have not seen what they will pay. Here you will show the value, THEN add in a price in a different section of the sales page. First you must communicate to the reader exactly what your product is worth and why no matter the price it is a must-have for them.

Here are some ways you can accomplish this. Be sure to add detail as much as possible to this section.

(1) Compare Your Product With Similar Products. Use similar products and show how your product offers more value to the reader.

(2) Points of Difference. Point out any differences that yor product offers over the competition. Do this not by slamming the other product, rather highlight how your outperforms theirs.

(3) Add in A Guarantee. This is one way to get past objections. No risk eases the mind of the buyer and makes them more willing to spend their money.

(4) Answer Any Objections. Be sure to think the section through and answer all the objections you can imagine a buyer might have that will keep them from buying your product.

List the objections one by one and then tell the reader why they are not of concern one by one. Be very specific. State why what they may be worrying about is not something to worry about.

(5) Add In Scarcity. This is an important psychological factor that will help get you more sales. A limited time offer or a limited quantity offer creates urgency in the reader's mind that they have to buy now or they lose out on a great chance.

Did you notice that in this section we are going back to the emotions as we started with in the introduction and touched on with the benefit section? This must be a common thread throughout your sales page...

Maybe you show them what will NOT change if they do not make this purchase. Let them know they are missing out on the chance to change their feelings they now have about something of concern when they take action and buy what you are selling.

OK, we are almost there...The next page is the last, but not the least! We will finish up the last 3 elements and then close this tutorial out! ===>

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DjRomantika Premium
Thanks for this amazing training, Dave. And by the way would you mind to check my sell page https://djmoribroadcasting.com/online-radio-dj-store and tell me what I still need to do for improvement. And I also bookmarked it to read more thoroughly.
Thanks a lot.

With a warm smile.
Joana Marie
DaveSw Premium
Thanks also Joana Marie for stopping by...This training is something you pull out when you need it, but it is important stuff for us online marketers...

I see all these seemingly perfect pages out there, but when you understand what needs to go in each element, you can pick out areas that could be improved on these perfect pages hehe...

I will go check out your page and give you some feedback!

Dave : )
DjRomantika Premium
Thank you so much Dave, I am looking forward to your feedback.
DaveSw Premium
OK, this is more of what I would consider a review page, and there is nothing wrong with that because that is the focus of the page...

It looks fine to me!

I like the items you have in and the radio on the website is a really nice touch. You have some good tunes...This DJ broadcasting is something that might be useful for other niches?

If you go to JVZoo and look at some of the items they sell, you can see what I am referring to in regards to a sales page...These are generally focused on one particular product or service...

Dave : )
spurway Premium Plus
great I tagged it, will take time to go through
DaveSw Premium
Cool, there is a lot to digest, no doubt. I decided to go deep in lieu of doing a half-way skim job because sales pages are so important...Cheers! Dave : )
MKearns Premium
The headline and the lead comprise 80%!
DaveSw Premium
Yes, these are key elements for sure...If they are not right, you lose the prospect immediately...

If you can crack these two components, at least you have a chance using the remaining elements to make the sale...

This kind of copywriting is totally different from the content marketing, but this is something they have in common I think...

Dave : )
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
Dave, awesome stuff!

I've bookmarked this so I can read it carefully! (more than once)

Thank you for this great training!

Cheers m8
DaveSw Premium
Hi, Pedro!

Thanks, M8, exactly what I would suggest...This is something you will not need every day, but something that can help you whenever you do create sales pages...

For those members here at Wealthy Affiliate actively promoting the membership site, when would this apply? Well, it can be done anytime actually...

It is another approach to getting targeted traffic to your offer. It can be just as effective as using content and organic traffic, and it can be faster...

It can be used with particular effectiveness during the annual Black Friday sale that Carson and Kyle throw each year around the end of November...

We have free hosting here, you can set up one sales page for a regular sales pitch, and use a separate site for the annual sale.

In both cases, once you have it done, it is ready to go and only has to be updated minimally to reflect changes. Then you can start a paid ad campaign to start pulling in traffic...

Dave : )
GautamWorld Premium
Many thanks for the excellent training. :)
DaveSw Premium
No probs Gautam you are more than welcome!

Thanks for stopping by - This training is a bit extensive but hopefully can be useful for members...

Personally, I would typically add such training to my stored bookmarks here. This way I could have access to it for the times I was creating sales pages...

I hope other members do the same...I am always here for questions as well hehe...

Dave : )