A Short Recap: Ok we have covered what you are trying in general to achieve with sales letters in your online marketing program, and also the options of doing them yourself or outsourcing them, and I let you know why I think it is good if you actually do some yourself prior to outsourcing them...

Next...We are going to dive in to the nitty-gritty of what are all the parts, or elements a sales page needs to include to be effective and increase your conversions.

On this page of the tutorial, we will cover the first three elements of effective sales pages: They are (1) The Headline, (2) The Introduction, and (3) Credibiity...

To keep your head in the game, though, a graphic to make you think:

Remember this advice - It will help you as you create your effective and compelling sales pages!

OK back to the training...

So just what is included in effective sales pages you ask?

Read on...

Elements Of An Effective Sales Page

What you will read about here will explain about the general name and description for sales page elements. Realize though that every effective sales page is different and unique depending on the intent and the audience.

But they all will have these components as I describe...

These components in totem make up the whole of the sales page...Though there is a lot of lattitude in the exact way you set your page up, the most effective sales pages will have these common and key aspects to them, as I discuss in this tutorial.

This is why I say that the training will help you even if you choose not to design your own pages and create copy for them. If you hire a professional copywriter to do the pages it is important to check over the final product to make sure that it covers these components.

Just because you may have a long and rambling page with lots of content does not mean it will be effective. Better to use short sentences, active voice, strong words, and get to the points. Think of the car salesman that goes on and on...It does not work most of the time (at least not for me)...

So let's get started...

(1) The Headline Structure

This portion of a sales letter is more than a few words at the top of your sales page. You have different levels of headlines that support one another, and are congruent to the message that you used in the ad that got the prospect to the page.

There is the initial headline, called the pre-headline, which is used to instantly grab your target audience. This idea is that the headline will be specific and tells the reader that you have something for them that they want first and need second.

Then comes the secondary headline, which is what you can think of as the main headline. It is a VERY important part of your sales page. This headline needs to be in a larger font than anything else on the page. It needs to stand out.

The copy in that main headline is the center of attention because of its size and placement and is designed to tell the reader the main benefit that you are offering them. Nothing else on the sales page should take attention away from this headline...

The third part of the headline structure is an optional one, but I see it used often. It will be under the main headline and in a smaller font. The reason it is used is that it provides further clarification to the main headline above it or perhaps it adds additional information that is pertinent for the reader. use it only if needed...

The key for all these portions of the headline area is that the phrases need to be concise and very much to the point. Longer is NOT better in this case. Something short that grabs their attention is the way to go. You are pulling them in, compelling them to check out more of what you have on the page.

(2) Your Introduction

This too is a key component in your sales page. It follows directly after the headline. If the headline is set up properly, you will get them to read on. If the introduction is not effective, you will lose the prospect. So it is extremely important that you set the right tone in this section as well and keep the viewer interested and on your page.

Spend some time on writing this element too, as you should with your headline area...

You are going for the 'why' in this section, not the 'what' or 'how'. What I mean by this is that you have to appeal to them on an emotional level, and do so by using just a very few sentences.

At this point, the desired outcome is that the reader says to themself "Wait…I need to read this…"

In this section your are not making a hard sell, rather you are seeking to draw them in further so they read more about your tremendous must-have offer...In later sections you can show them why what you are offering is the best product to solve whatever problem you are fixing for them..

As you write this introduction, try to keep in mind what it is that your product provides to the prospect. You are not going to list all that in this section, rather you are going to try to put yourself in your reader's shoes and cater to their needs...

What kind of emotions are associated with you relieving their problem?

You are seeking to evoke that kind of emotion in them that they will feel when they purchase your product. Relief, less stress, success, etc. In short you are presenting the case for why what you have is valuable to them.

Try using words that portray to the reader how the benefits of your product or service. will make them feel when they own it/sign up.... Let them know how it is going to make their life better.

As you write, ask yourself questions such as:

- Will it give them relief from a dangerous situation?

- Will it help them to live their passion and self-actualize?

- Will it give them the opportunity to build some financial security?

- Will they be able to reduce their stress levels?

- Will it allow them to live the life they have always been dreaming of?

- Just how will things improve in their life after they buy and use what you have to sell?

Again in this section, shorter is better. Try to be very succinct and use active positive words. Fit all this into just a few sentences - certainly no more than a couple of short paragraphs...

Unlike me, when I write, do not get long-winded hehe!

You will then place this introduction directly under the headlines, and as with the headline towards the top of the sales page. keep these two sections above the fold (I mean that when they come to your sales page these elements should both be visible to the viewer on their screen).

What is the desired outcome of this section? Your want them to scroll down after reading what you have added to this point. Pulling at their emotions is the best way to accomplish this goal. It is not blatant and it works!

(3) Address Your Credibility

Many people make mistakes in this area, so it is good that you are here and learning from this tutorial. You will not make any mistakes! For unless you are well-known in your niche, you need to let people know who you are and why they should pay attention to what you have for them.

Think about the fact that these days social proof is ever more in the spotlight...People will look for other's experiences and factor that in when making purchase decisions...

What about the reader that may NOT know you, they are interested and have stopped by because they liked what they saw in your ad?

This is where you have your chance to answer such questions the reader may have.

If it was me and I was consdering purchasing something from a sales page online, wouldn't I want to know something about the seller?

Think about it...Most people would say “yes" to this question...

Most people want to know at least a little bit about who it is that is making the offer to them and also why this person is the one to know about and solve their problem...

In these days of plentiful "get rich quick" scams and products that overpromise and underdeliver, you have to show prospects that you are a credibile person to buy from.

You are asking for their hard-earned money and they want to make sure they are not throwing it away to some charlaton.

Place this section towards the top of your sales page. Put this credibility question to rest quickly by letting them know who you are and why they should buy from you...

In short, you are going to provide some credibility for them...

How can you establish this credibility? There are a few techniques...

(1) Testimonials. The best kind of testimonials will show real results (not fake sales pages etc.) taken from people who have used the offered product or service. Written testmonials are fine, and if you can get video testimonials that is even better...

These will help prospects readig through your sales page understand that they are getting something of real value that does what it says it does.

Make sure that you include the full name of the person(s) providing the testimonials, and the higher authority figures in the niche are the best - they will have name recognition for the reader. .

(2) Add Quotes From Experts. Try to add in some opinons or experiences that known experts in the niche have stated that back up your assertion that what you have provides real value to the prospect.

(3) Be Specific. Try to use actual numbers and data that specifically shows the value of what you are selling. Things like numbers, dollar sales figures, dates, timeframe, and other details make it clear as to the veracity of what you have for them.

Vague statements that are not specific are suspect for readers. If it sounds like you are generalizing or just do not have the facts to back up what you are promoting, you will lose the prospect. Don't use these...

(4) Include Your Credentials. If it is appropriate, add in degrees you may have, your experience, or any other thing that will show to prospects that you know what you are talking about.

Make sure what you add is related to what you are selling or it will not help you, and rather will throw people off.

If done correctly, this section immediately shows the reader that you have worth,and are worth listening to.

(5) Clarify Test Results. You can explain product test results here too. Be sure that all information is correct and verifiable by the reader if he/she chooses to do so. No BS, please...

(6) Add Favorable Reviews Of You/Your Work. You can also add in any favorable reviews that you may have from other sources either online or offline...Things like positive mentions in magazine articles, newspapers, or perhaps some high-authority websites online.

(7) Contact Information. Make sure you add in how they can contact you (i.e. email, phone, Skype, Facebook, etc.) to get answers to questions or concerns they may have...

Bottom line for this section is that you use one or more of these methods to establish your credibility with the reader. You likely will not use all of them, but select one or the other where you are strongest, and include that.

OK, next we will discuss the NEXT four elements of your sales page...Hang in there, we are working our way down the sales page, this stuff is important and will make you or break you for results!

Four more elements of sales pages ===>

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DjRomantika Premium
Thanks for this amazing training, Dave. And by the way would you mind to check my sell page https://djmoribroadcasting.com/online-radio-dj-store and tell me what I still need to do for improvement. And I also bookmarked it to read more thoroughly.
Thanks a lot.

With a warm smile.
Joana Marie
DaveSw Premium
Thanks also Joana Marie for stopping by...This training is something you pull out when you need it, but it is important stuff for us online marketers...

I see all these seemingly perfect pages out there, but when you understand what needs to go in each element, you can pick out areas that could be improved on these perfect pages hehe...

I will go check out your page and give you some feedback!

Dave : )
DjRomantika Premium
Thank you so much Dave, I am looking forward to your feedback.
DaveSw Premium
OK, this is more of what I would consider a review page, and there is nothing wrong with that because that is the focus of the page...

It looks fine to me!

I like the items you have in and the radio on the website is a really nice touch. You have some good tunes...This DJ broadcasting is something that might be useful for other niches?

If you go to JVZoo and look at some of the items they sell, you can see what I am referring to in regards to a sales page...These are generally focused on one particular product or service...

Dave : )
spurway Premium Plus
great I tagged it, will take time to go through
DaveSw Premium
Cool, there is a lot to digest, no doubt. I decided to go deep in lieu of doing a half-way skim job because sales pages are so important...Cheers! Dave : )
MKearns Premium
The headline and the lead comprise 80%!
DaveSw Premium
Yes, these are key elements for sure...If they are not right, you lose the prospect immediately...

If you can crack these two components, at least you have a chance using the remaining elements to make the sale...

This kind of copywriting is totally different from the content marketing, but this is something they have in common I think...

Dave : )
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
Dave, awesome stuff!

I've bookmarked this so I can read it carefully! (more than once)

Thank you for this great training!

Cheers m8
DaveSw Premium
Hi, Pedro!

Thanks, M8, exactly what I would suggest...This is something you will not need every day, but something that can help you whenever you do create sales pages...

For those members here at Wealthy Affiliate actively promoting the membership site, when would this apply? Well, it can be done anytime actually...

It is another approach to getting targeted traffic to your offer. It can be just as effective as using content and organic traffic, and it can be faster...

It can be used with particular effectiveness during the annual Black Friday sale that Carson and Kyle throw each year around the end of November...

We have free hosting here, you can set up one sales page for a regular sales pitch, and use a separate site for the annual sale.

In both cases, once you have it done, it is ready to go and only has to be updated minimally to reflect changes. Then you can start a paid ad campaign to start pulling in traffic...

Dave : )
GautamWorld Premium
Many thanks for the excellent training. :)
DaveSw Premium
No probs Gautam you are more than welcome!

Thanks for stopping by - This training is a bit extensive but hopefully can be useful for members...

Personally, I would typically add such training to my stored bookmarks here. This way I could have access to it for the times I was creating sales pages...

I hope other members do the same...I am always here for questions as well hehe...

Dave : )