A Short Recap - Congratulations! You have made it this far without passing out! We have gone over quite a bit at this stage, and are on the home stretch! In the past 5 pages we covered the first seven elements of a sales page...

Now we will fiinsh out the last three and conclude the tutorial.

Let's get started!

Have you noticed that from the start of the sales letter, we have been building the case for the reader to buy what you are selling...

That relates to the 'tidbit' below...

'Nuff Said, I think you got the point on the graphic?

Next on the list for your sales page...

(8) Add Your Purchase Section

OK, good job. If you have followed the tutorial to now and applied the guidance, you now have gotten the prospect to the point that they are ready to buy! Wow, that was a lot to plan for and include to this point, correct? Likely you had no idea just what went into a sales page.

The good news for you is that all this work is worthwhile, because your page is effective and sells what you have on offer.

But wait...You are not done yet...

In this section you must create an ordering process that is incredibly easy for that ready buyer, or you will lose them. Make it no more than one or two steps, because every step you add is another opportunity to lose that sale!

Even though most people will have bought online at one time or another, you will assume that your buyer has NEVER purchased anything online before. Think that they do not know how to buy something online and are of course worried about giving out their credit card information over the Internet.

In that light, here you will add in simple step-by-step directions. Phrases to use here include ones such as the: "To order, simply follow this link to our secure website where you can pay by credit card, PayPal, or several other methods."

Always give them more than one option for payment. Some people will want to use PayPal, others will not. Add as many pay options as possible so you do not miss out on some buyers that use one or the other...

Also, you must make sure that you are using a secure website plus have set up and tested the payment process so that you know it is working.

Do make this section as easy and safe as possible for your visitors as you can.

(9) Add your Call To Action

This is another area that I see some weakness in at times when I look at sales pages. Sometimes sellers forget to to ask for the sale! Now you may be thinking that is what you have done throughout the sales page.

You may be thinking "Why do I need to put even more into my sales page? The prospect KNOWS I am selling, right?"

In reality, in spite of the fact that you have provided all this information, you still need to add in a final request that they buy now what you are selling.

Certainly let them know using the elements discussed that what you are offering is a fantastic opportunity throughout your sales page.

Then at the end, clearly state that you want them to buy from you!

It can be something short and sweet, and you can use a button with a link to the checkout page..

Some effective text for your purchase request might be:

"Order Now!"

"Click Here To Buy Now!"

"Ready To Buy? Do So Now"

"Don't Let Time Run Out"

"Buy Now Through Our Secure Site"

These are just a few of the terms you can use. Whatever you do, do not forget to ask for the sale!

I do get questions as to where to place these buy buttons...Can they be used in more than one area of your sales page? Maybe you want to add one in after the features section of your product or service?

This can be done and I have seen this just make sure that it is a simple button such as 'But Now" and has no other sales message that will not fit into the section you place it.

If you add too many, it will make it seem like you are desperate for a sale. My recommendation is to include one or two simple buttons where it seems appropriate to do so.

(10) Add In Your PostScript

I know you are thinking now "WHAT? STILL more?" Yes, my friends, there is one last area where at the bottom of your page where you have the opportunity to add in some final message This is what I call the "P.S." section of your sales letter.

This section is very important because the reader will still have the ordering section of your sales page. This means they can still click on the "Buy Now" button you have immediately after reading the P.S. message.

Here you can add a summary of what your product is, its benefits, features, and why it is of value to the prospect. It is a conclusion area where you can summarize for the reader one more time what they are being offered and why they need it.

This area is also not a long drawn out set of paragraphs, rather is one or maximum two very short paragraphs. Do not oversell but reiterate the reasons why they need your product.

The final piece of the postscript should ask for the order again. An example might be "Don't delay…complete your order now so you do not miss out on this limited quantity offer."

OK, now we have addressed the 10 elements of a sales page! Good job you have made it to the end!

Bottom Line:


So now you know the components of a sales page. There are short versions, long versions, video sales letters, and each has their use depending on what you are selling.

All will have the elements I have gone through, and if they do not, likely they are not performing for the creators.

Now my suggestion is that you go and look at some sample sales pages knowing what you know now. Try some of the best known influencers in your niche - see what they are doing...

Analyze what is good and bad on their pages, maybe bookmark those that stand out to you so you can emulate them for your own use later as you prepare your own. Make notes and get some more detailed training on how best to use phrases and sections to tap into the psychology behind selling...

Make sure that your pages include all these elements. Do a checklist, and use it along with your templates so you can check your creations. The elements I have discussed today have been used by many thousands of marketers with success.

Now for the surprise I promised you at the start of the training! I have added some images below the postcript below that you can download and use when you create your sales pages.

This will help you check that everything I mentioned is included in your sales page creations! If you would like a higher quality PDF version of this (the PDF looks MUCH better), drop me a private mail here and I will send you a link to download it)...


Dave : )

P.S. Here is my CALL TO ACTION for this tutorial:

"Please like this training and add a comment below before jetting off to the next big thing here!"

Now for the surprise:

This is 4 images with screenshots of a 7 page checklist that you can copy and use as you create your sales pages.

The advice found on the checklist is sound and is from a free to download site on the internet that you too could find with a simple search, but I am saving you time from doing that!

Also, if you would rather, I have added a link from my dropbix account where you can view the PDF version and also download the cleaner looking version:


Here you go:

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DjRomantika Premium
Thanks for this amazing training, Dave. And by the way would you mind to check my sell page https://djmoribroadcasting.com/online-radio-dj-store and tell me what I still need to do for improvement. And I also bookmarked it to read more thoroughly.
Thanks a lot.

With a warm smile.
Joana Marie
DaveSw Premium
Thanks also Joana Marie for stopping by...This training is something you pull out when you need it, but it is important stuff for us online marketers...

I see all these seemingly perfect pages out there, but when you understand what needs to go in each element, you can pick out areas that could be improved on these perfect pages hehe...

I will go check out your page and give you some feedback!

Dave : )
DjRomantika Premium
Thank you so much Dave, I am looking forward to your feedback.
DaveSw Premium
OK, this is more of what I would consider a review page, and there is nothing wrong with that because that is the focus of the page...

It looks fine to me!

I like the items you have in and the radio on the website is a really nice touch. You have some good tunes...This DJ broadcasting is something that might be useful for other niches?

If you go to JVZoo and look at some of the items they sell, you can see what I am referring to in regards to a sales page...These are generally focused on one particular product or service...

Dave : )
spurway Premium Plus
great I tagged it, will take time to go through
DaveSw Premium
Cool, there is a lot to digest, no doubt. I decided to go deep in lieu of doing a half-way skim job because sales pages are so important...Cheers! Dave : )
MKearns Premium
The headline and the lead comprise 80%!
DaveSw Premium
Yes, these are key elements for sure...If they are not right, you lose the prospect immediately...

If you can crack these two components, at least you have a chance using the remaining elements to make the sale...

This kind of copywriting is totally different from the content marketing, but this is something they have in common I think...

Dave : )
I-Pedro-I Premium Plus
Dave, awesome stuff!

I've bookmarked this so I can read it carefully! (more than once)

Thank you for this great training!

Cheers m8
DaveSw Premium
Hi, Pedro!

Thanks, M8, exactly what I would suggest...This is something you will not need every day, but something that can help you whenever you do create sales pages...

For those members here at Wealthy Affiliate actively promoting the membership site, when would this apply? Well, it can be done anytime actually...

It is another approach to getting targeted traffic to your offer. It can be just as effective as using content and organic traffic, and it can be faster...

It can be used with particular effectiveness during the annual Black Friday sale that Carson and Kyle throw each year around the end of November...

We have free hosting here, you can set up one sales page for a regular sales pitch, and use a separate site for the annual sale.

In both cases, once you have it done, it is ready to go and only has to be updated minimally to reflect changes. Then you can start a paid ad campaign to start pulling in traffic...

Dave : )
GautamWorld Premium
Many thanks for the excellent training. :)
DaveSw Premium
No probs Gautam you are more than welcome!

Thanks for stopping by - This training is a bit extensive but hopefully can be useful for members...

Personally, I would typically add such training to my stored bookmarks here. This way I could have access to it for the times I was creating sales pages...

I hope other members do the same...I am always here for questions as well hehe...

Dave : )