Factual content is good for those sites that deal with products and instructional/tutorial information.
Here you need to be clear and concise. Try to stick to one topic and one topic only (on each post of course). Also get straight to the point with your article.
When someone is looking for a product or tutorial they want it to be a pleasant experience.
With this kind of writing you will attract a different kind of audience. These are people who want to spend some money with the right person. Let's hope you are that person.
Reviews (in my opinion) work best for this kind of writing. Letting people know what's in store for them if they buy from you. Here it is best to stick to the subject matter and don't waver. Try not to go around in circles.
This will make people feel you are secure in your knowledge (if you stick to your subject matter) and they will be more likely to trust you.
Be informative, polite and above all don't fake it, because generally speaking these people will have done some research before arriving at your site or yours maybe the first site they look at in their search.
Make their search count! You generally only get one shot at this.
In my summary I will deal with how you can make the best use out of the links in your post.
Please turn the page for Comedic Writing.
Think what helped me most of all when learning to write posts is when I started my personal blog. By then, I already knew enough (from taking Desktop Publishing) to make sure to state my rants so that I would be LESS apt to suffer a lawsuit ... and I learned how to (as you stated) write though speaking to a friend with lots and lots of practice.
p.s. I don't think I should attempt to write as a comedian not just yet anyhow.
One thing I have found to gain trust when writing on certain subjects, mainly opinion pieces, is to make sure that you reference your material at the bottom (web pages, books, articles, and so on) of the page so if one of your readers wants to see whether or not you are worthy of your words.
Keep up the great training!
Great content is king and is the MOST important thing in gaining followers and actually turning a hobby of blogging into a Professional Website Online Business.
This is quite simply put........some of the best training I have ever taken and I am a better writer for it. Great training!!
Thank you, my friend.
Just on the crusp (did I say that correctly?) of the challenge.....so in retrospect, it's perfect timing......but of course, you already know this, because you're Michael the Magnificent!!!