PPC - Well this isn't a technique that I have particularly used myself, however in some niches which have a high customer value may consider pay per click. Lawyers, Dentists, Jacuzzi salesman, Chiropractors, Plastic surgeons you know the type.

With pay per click as with all your online content, quality is of the uppermost importance. And if you don't have a quality landing page you'll be penalized for it. Setting up a PPC campaign should only be done if you are fully confident using Google adwords...

... You can access some great tutorials on PPC for free at the Wealthy Affiliates most written by Kyle & Carson.
Once you sign up for a free account search "pay per click" and soak up the knowledge of these 2 extremely knowledgeable entrepreneurs.
I can't stress enough the importance of fully understanding how to get the best out of Google adwords before you start an adwords or any type of paid campaign for targeted traffic.

Facebook - The effectiveness of Facebook ads has recently been a matter for debate. But regardless of what you think of their systems the fact remains that Facebook allows you to target a very specific demographic. - Mix that with a chance to add graphics and the Facebook ad route can be a lot more lucrative for your list building than using adwords or some similar network.

Facebook isn't just about ads though and fan pages have proven to be another very effective way to grow your subscriber list. Mastering Facebook is an art within itself. Someone that does it better than most is Chris Farrell.

Chris Farell has a membership site and there is a ton of great Facebook training in there. with a trial so you don't have to join really! Buy whilst there you may as well have a look at the DFY's.

These days there are free apps that connect your Facebook page to your website in just a few clicks, a lot of marketers are driving traffic straight from Facebook to squeeze pages, it's certainly worth exploring.

Tweet Offer - After Facebook comes Twitter right, well it's to be expected I suppose. Twitter if use well can really gain you a great following. I've got a few ideas that may help you if you want to take twitter seriously. First off don't get into the bulk following game. Follow a few influences that are in your niche and not a bunch of nobody's.

Don't just tweet links... Tweet your life and what's happening in your niche. Try and have a single theme running through your tweets through the week and if you push an offer just push it on 1day of the week,
1-3pm Monday through Thursday seems to be the best days fro click troughs on twitter.

Treat tweeting like a mini series leading up to the money tweet. Well that's my take on it here's Mashables.

Linkedin Group - One of what I call the underground places to boost blog subscriptions. If you don't know about LinkedIn groups here's a tip.

You can create any group using any "keyword or phrase" that you want... So an example I may have is:

..."for bloggers who can't stand low subscriptions group," I could even add "in the UK" and get all GEO targeted and stuff!

Now who's going to joining that group? You guessed those who are keen to learn what your group title represents.
On the topic of LinkedIn there's a real "art" if you can call it that to getting your profile set up correctly.
I don't know if you've noticed, but LinkedIn is always trying to help you get your profile optimized. If you haven't been to your LinkedIn profile for the past 3 months you won't recognize the change. It's growing grown into a serious place to grab a large following.

With LinkedIn you don't have to set up a group to get a large number following and ultimately subscribing to you. LinkedIn groups are almost as interactive as Facebook groups more so in many cases.

The benefit with LinkedIn is it's a "business network orientated" So adding serious value on a regular bases will get you noticed fast - Long gone are the days when LinkedIn was just about trying to land your next job!

Google Plus - Like G+ or not it's a massive influence and it's only going to get bigger. Snippets are great to have attached to your content, Google plus has inadvertently given those who use Google snippets a big hand in branding themselves online.

The addition of business pages and hangouts are just a couple of extensions your your online reach.

Google+ will in effect allow you to do just about what the other social groups will but there is one golden rule in social....
... You must be active and get social!

Free Marketing With LinkedIn PDF

Tasks 0/4 completed
1. Click Above To Get Yout FREE LinkedIn Download
2. Tweet your blog at the times stated and monitor responses.
3. Read Kyle & Carson on PPC
4. Sign up for linkedIn with an optimized profile

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Sherion Premium
Okay. Now I read that article and played around on the site for awhile. It looks like I have to go get more info on RSS (which I don't have) Feedburner (which I don't have) I have no list at all. But, I will check into an auto responder. Also, another member here had posted about MailChimp as terrible. Alpina. I am learning a lot but cannot check off yet. I am confused about RSS and Feedburner. So, onto doing those first.

This is really good thank you so much for this training. Also, I saw the Jaaxy jumping up and down and how the Aweber wound jump out too. Tried to do chat in there and no one was there!

I got to get busy. Thanks again.
mission0ps Premium
Hi thx for your comments, I hear GR8 things about mailchimp so maybe 1 bad experience from Alpina isn't a good basis ;)

The things jumping up and down on my blog are cause by a plugin http://ratedbytony.com/sorethumb-wordpress-plugin-review/

Thx again for the visit and any help needed just shout out ;)
Labman Premium Plus
Lots to learn here and plenty to do. Most of the techniques are familiar to me but I haven't seen all of them in a cohesive format before. Thanks.
(couple of spelling oopsies in there, I leave you to find them)
mission0ps Premium
On no I'll have a mare looking now .. Cheers for the props more coming
is there meant to be a link on lesson 2 for the "homework" in regards to looking at an optin box??
mission0ps Premium
Cheers for the heads up .. fixed it