Conversions, conversions, conversions!

That is our ultimate goal as a marketer. Whether you are converting a visitor into a lead, a buyer, or someone that actively engages on your website. There are some things that you can do to improve conversions, regardless of the nature of your niche and the type of action you are trying to get your visitors to take.

5 PPC Strategies That Are Proven to Convert

I wanted to take a second and explain five techniques that you can focus on within your PPC campaigns to assure success in one form or another.

(1) Start bidding conservatively - The last thing you want to do, in particular within a niche that you don't already have PPC data to work with, is to bid too high. Never start your bids higher than $0.50. You can always increase your bids, but once you have spent your money it is gone. It is the worst feeling the world when you launch a new campaign and you bid too much only to find out your campaign doesn't convert (and you have wasted a ton of money).

(2) Hyper Targeted Campaigns - Relevancy converts. As I have been preaching from the beginning of this training, the better your flow of relevance from the keyword, to the ad, the the landing page (and the offer), the higher your will convert. Over the years we have analyzed this strategy and it is one that will never fail you. Creating small ad groups and tight campaigns (in terms of relevancy) will only benefit you.

(3) Think Value Before Sell - Sounds obvious doesn't it? Unfortunately, this concept powers some of the most successful campaigns that you will ever see. Remember that there are other "people" on the other side of your PPC search, if you don't deliver value, they are not going to trust you, believe you, or buy from you. Providing a little bit of value can go a long way and will boost your conversions drastically.

(4) Scale Success - Got a PPC campaign that is converting? Duplicate it. Once you have a formula in place, it can be scaled upon. If you are achieve a high ROI on particular campaigns, you need take that information an apply it to other campaigns. That is a sure fire way of building business and building revenue. Once you have your formula, it is just a matter of getting more traffic which is the easy part within PPC networks.

(5) Target Buyer Keywords - Most people tend to think broad when they start their campaigns. The goal is to attract people that are far along in the "customer purchase lifecyle", meaning they are close to making a purchase. But how do you determine this? It is based on keyword selection, by rule of thumb the more relevant the keyword, the further along they are in the buying lifecyle. Someone that types in "dog" isn't a buyer, someone that types in "find the best dog training program in Miami" is. That is the difference. Also, targeting terms with the words "buy, purchase, compare, join, and review" are very good buyer keywords.

These are five PPC strategies that I would suggest you focus on. If you do, your campaigns are only going to benefit from it, in particular your campaign ROI!

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