4 X Search Engine Traffic - Website Focus & Analysis – Without the Paralysis!

I may just have stolen that heading from Jay ;)

I want to cover a few small things in this section to hopefully help you understand your website better in the long term, before we jump into the short term.

Is your website being indexed already and have you submitted a sitemap?

Visit Google Webmaster Tools.

Your Google webmaster tools dashboard should give you a chart that looks something like this if you are.

If not, you will want to jump into the following training from Kyle and continue from here there after.


Ready for the next step?


Go to the your ‘Content Keywords’ quickly.

You should see a list of keywords in order of significance (How often you use them) to your website that looks something like this;

First thing you should notice is the top few keywords. These keywords should be directly related to your website Niche and if they are not, maybe you should consider where you want your website to be going in the future.

Maybe you are more passionate about those top keywords than your original niche and could use this when doing your Evergreen content keyword research.

This will have an impact on your evergreen content and should reflect that evergreen content in your overall keyword significance.

An example for my website above could be a post for ‘7 Best Affiliate Marketing Training Programs’, with, you guessed it, the keyword ‘Wealthy Affiliate Training’ being something to keep in mind while writing the post…. As a thumb sucked example.

Play around with it a bit. Have some fun. Ask questions like, why does Google group the variants together, could I use this to my advantage when searching for keywords? ;)

Let us have your thoughts and questions in the discussion in the comments at the end of this training. Would love to hear from you.

What I am trying to get at is that you need to have a long term plan, and you can’t do that if you don’t analyze and understand what is already going on in your own website, and mind for that matter.

There is a reason why your niche had to be as focused as possible when you first chose it ;)

Please don’t go over doing it though by stuffing your posts with just one keyword. You need to have a balance and variety of keywords at the same time. I am giving you this information to keep in the back of your mind moving forward.

Cool. Let’s find out what is already working for your website now…

What keywords are already working for your website?

Head over to your ‘Search Analytics’ now and let’s see what is working for you. Please check the ‘Clicks’, ‘Impressions’, ‘CTR’ and ‘Position’ box’s.

Set the date for 90 days.

Don’t worry if you have no visitors yet, you will still want to do this.



You can now filter by Clicks, Impressions, CTR and position.

Again, I am showing you this just so that you have a better understanding of your website. Compare results and understand what is working for you… and what is not working.

‘Clicks’ is the number of clicks for the specific search term.

‘Impressions’ will give you an idea of what has currently got potentially high traffic value for your posts that have shown up somewhere in the SERP…. Doing an updated post relating to and linking to and from the original may be an idea?

CTR’ – average Click through rate. If you have a high click through rate, then you have a good post description in Google for the most part. Likewise for a post in the same position, if you have a low CTR, then something may be putting people off within your post description. – Please analyze your competition ­as well… It may be a video or something else that’s taking all your traffic away.

‘Position’ – Your average position for the search term. Have a look at your competition. Is it going to be worthwhile paying attention to your post to try out rank them? What are the impressions like?

I could chat for hours on this, but am really just trying to get you thinking outside of the box before we jump into the good stuff.

You need to go and play around with google webmaster tools, ask questions and discuss your findings in the comments below this training. It is how I learned a lot of what I know and it will benefit you and others as well.

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LynneHuy Premium
Ok so here is my first question.. I am just going through this a little bit at a time. With Jay's 10 steps he states make a Youtube video, did you do this with every post? Is this step necessary?
kirby34 Premium
Setting up a YouTube channel is easy to do and a great way of getting traffic. Personally I do not do them for every blog but combining blogs with vlogs is a great way of keeping traffic interested in your site.
shweetlife Premium
Very fair question, and the short answer is no. This is actually a weak area for me...

I fully realize the massive potential in making video's, however, have not yet been able to sit down and get going with my own videos yet..

I do embedded videos from YouTube on some of my posts and do find that it holds a lot of value, but for now those video's are not my own.

You have to remember that YouTube is like adding a second Google powered search engine sending traffic to your posts.

There is loads of traffic to be taken from it and though my thoughts on YouTube are purely from extensive study on the topic and not practice... It is not a traffic source that you want to ignore.

I have seen people build their online businesses from YouTube traffic alone and when you consider that YouTube is owned by Google, It makes complete sense why.

Hope my mumble jumble answered your question ;)
LynneHuy Premium
Thanks Marc, I have done a few videos but I just wanted to check what your modus operandi was. I can't see me being able to do enough videos for all my blogs!
So you have added other people's video's on the topic to your posts?
shweetlife Premium
Yip. Relevant video's.

look out for links etc in the video so it does not send people to someone else' affiliate link tho.
LynneHuy Premium
Ok cool, will do :) Thanks for the tips!
LynneHuy Premium
YAY, now what to do with the 2 kids I have at home for the next week?? Damn I have to wait until after 8pm tonight to tuck into this!
shweetlife Premium
lol. doesn't look like you managed to wait until 8pm ;)
LynneHuy Premium
ROFL no, I was trying all day and I got to 24 mins in, I will try again tomorrow. Burnt out!
Uwais Premium
thanks for the share
HPearson Premium
Hi Marc, Yikes!! Just had a look at keywords in webmaster tools. Other than the first one which is such a broad keyword, the next few have nothing to do with my niche. What am I doing wrong - aside from the obvious answer which is a lot! Almost every post is centred around a keyword that has the right "numbers", and I use it in the title, first paragraph and last. Cheers, Hindy
shweetlife Premium
Hey Hindy!

Did you change the theme? I love the new look and header image. It immediately drew me in!

I had a quick look at your posts and can't promise I'll be able to do so for everyone, but what I noticed is that even though, according to the keyword tool... The posts are meant to be super easy to rank... You are going up against some super powerful Domain authorities.

I think that focusing on your competitor analysis will help a lot in choosing which keywords are worthwhile.

That being said... You are doing extremely well for the position that I found your posts in... I did not expect to see them up there with the likes of Amazon etc.

I mentioned at the end of this training that 'you may be one degree away from boiling', and I really think this applies to your website at the moment.

Check out Jays completion analysis training. I am 100% sure it will help.

I covered a bit in page 8: Extreme Keyword research of this training, but Jays goes more in detail.

Link to Jay's training can be found in page 3 of this training.

Let me know if you are still uncertain after that. :)


Marc Parsons
HPearson Premium
Hi Marc, I'm really glad you like the change! I know the original was boring, but I was solely focused on content, and admittedly a little afraid to make the changes on my own, but I couldn't take it anymore! Still not branded, but at least it's not an eyesore. To be honest, for most of my posts I focused on searches, and forgot about competition - I have been looking at competition with posts I'm writing now so we'll see if things improve. Thanks for the rest of your advice as well.

An experienced marketing person I know recently told me she couldn't find me in the first few pages of Google, and my niche is not one people will keep coming back to, and certainly not buy anything from. If she's right, I'm considering starting a second site that will be an interest, not a passion like animals, and see if money flows that way.

Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to have a look, and offer advice. Cheers, Hindy
shweetlife Premium
Glad you made the changes. It looks great Hindy.

Happy to hear you are focused on the competition as well now. Looking forward to hearing about your results.

I have to be honest, your niche does appear like it could be a bit challenging. I picked up secondary keywords like 'food' and 'care', but did not see very high searches even with that. Also not sure what the product review searches are like for your niche.

It's a call you will have to make though.

I wouldn't go so far as changing niche all together, but taking out the 'senior' may be an option if it is still too tough after trying with the competitor analysis?

Good luck!
HPearson Premium
I'm keeping it as it is, but I'll be doing two things - one is my own version of line extension by broadening the topic to include puppies and adult dogs, ways to keep them healthy and happy so they'll be healthier and happier seniors. Thought that was a great idea, it was my "ha ha" moment of this morning.
The second thing I'm doing is launching a second niche, with private label products (hopefully), and that has a lot more potential for money making.
shweetlife Premium
Sounds great!

I am definitely looking forward to see what happens when you start to expand a little bit.

Keep us posted!
Buddle Premium
Thanks for sharing Marc, shall certainly go through this.
shweetlife Premium
Hope you find something interesting and new Barbara. Looking forward to your feedback and questions if you have any. :)