10. Encourage Others to Link to Your Post

Back-linking, which is the act of getting other websites to link to your website, was once the most important trick in SEO. Experts spent their time adding links in the comments section of other websites to clients' posts. Google was wise.

This practice today isn't as effective as it once was, but other sites linking to your post will improve your SEO. Share your posts on related sites, make sure to share them with professional partners, as well as let key influencers know.

Each time a thought leader links to any of your posts, it will give that post a big SEO boost.

You can encourage other authority websites to link to you by adding a link to a relevant topic of theirs. When you look up your title in Google, add the first three similar articles on Google's first page to your article in a link. This sort of backscratching can yield great results by bringing your article to the notice of established bloggers.

11. Send a Share via Email and Social Media

What would you do if you came across a blog post that was extremely valuable on a topic you were interested in? You would share it via email and social media.

Google will know if your post has received a lot of "shares", which is a sign that it is valuable. You can share each blog post with your network via email or social media.


You've read this far, so you already know that SEO is not an easy task. There are proven ways that you can make your blog posts appear for keyword searches and by becoming an expert and sharing your knowledge through great content Google will eventually take notice.

Here are some extra helpful tutorials:

Create valuable and unique content so that Google will take notice.

Master the art of writing content that resonates with your readers.

Optimize your images and draw Google to you.

Thank you for visiting today. Please leave a comment and a like.

Warm Regards,


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Chinthaka5 Premium
hi thanks for amazing stuff.
i have something to solve.if we put key word in the URL how can we do that.do we want to use a plugin.suggest me free plugin.somebody told not to change google suggested URLs ,if we do it it will go as another post.
please help me.also how can create pretty links

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Chinthaka, Usually you put the keyword in the title when you are writing it as you can't change it once it is published.

If you are not happy with the keyword title of an article you will need to create a new one with your new title and write about the topic with a fresh slant. If it is identical to the other one Google will treat it as duplicate material and not index it.

This is Marion Blacks training on using PrettyLinks. Lily
Chinthaka5 Premium
thanks lilly.very helpful.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome.
Zoopie Premium
Great information, thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Zoopie.
I hope it helps.

FKelso Premium Plus
Very well-written post, Lily. Thank you for the good information.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Fran,
Always happy to help.

Siobhan3 Premium
These were very helpful, thanks for sharing!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are very welcome Siobhan.
RCanty Premium Plus
Thank you for the heads up!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome, Canty.