Get Noticed by Google

It is obvious how important it is to appear at the top of Google search results. But how can you do that? I’ll share 11 helpful tips in this tutorial to get you noticed.

Search engine optimization (SEO) allows people to find you by simply searching for keywords, usually through wanting the answer to a question. There's a lot to choose from for keywords that are trending and SEO isn’t always as easy as it used to be.

But these are the steps you can take today to ensure that your blog gets noticed in the search.

1. Identify Google's Perspective

It is helpful to consider the challenge from Google's point of view. Google strives to be the best search engine and deliver the most useful results. It measures how useful results are by how long they keep you on a website, how many blog posts you read, and whether you click through other content.

Google also considers site credibility indicators such as the amount of traffic that your site gets and how many websites link to it. It checks to see how trustworthy and useful your website is by looking at all these factors.

Google continues to improve its ranking algorithm. This helps to determine which search results will be returned for a particular keyword search. SEO experts are always trying to catch up.

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Chinthaka5 Premium
hi thanks for amazing stuff.
i have something to solve.if we put key word in the URL how can we do we want to use a plugin.suggest me free plugin.somebody told not to change google suggested URLs ,if we do it it will go as another post.
please help me.also how can create pretty links

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Chinthaka, Usually you put the keyword in the title when you are writing it as you can't change it once it is published.

If you are not happy with the keyword title of an article you will need to create a new one with your new title and write about the topic with a fresh slant. If it is identical to the other one Google will treat it as duplicate material and not index it.

This is Marion Blacks training on using PrettyLinks. Lily
Chinthaka5 Premium
thanks lilly.very helpful.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome.
Zoopie Premium
Great information, thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Zoopie.
I hope it helps.

FKelso Premium Plus
Very well-written post, Lily. Thank you for the good information.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Fran,
Always happy to help.

Siobhan3 Premium
These were very helpful, thanks for sharing!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are very welcome Siobhan.
RCanty Premium Plus
Thank you for the heads up!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome, Canty.