From Hare to Tortoise
From Hare to Tortoise...
I "hit the ground running," as my friend @serendipity2 put it. But now I have slowed down from a sprint, and am settling into the marathon, after catching up to the starting line.
The new starting line for me seems to be Course 2, Lesson 2, as this is where I came to a screeching halt! This is the lesson that requires me to write content for the first 3 pages of my site.
I know my niche. I know the content. But putting it in writing is an elusive beast!
What order should I put it in? What headings should I use? Where should I begin? How detailed should I be? Should this be on the page or in a post?
Traders call it paralysis by analysis. I don't know what Internet Marketers call it, but I'm not sure it's writer's block. The writing wants to flow. I'm the one holding it back. Go figure!
I guess I'm just not sure where the nuts and bolts go. I don't want my Lego skyscraper to end up looking like a robot. Or maybe it doesn't matter, because I can always move the pieces around later. It is Lego, after all.
Decisions, decisions...more like not really knowing the difference between a page and a post; that is, until I read @michelle12's blog. The difference definitely became more clear after reading it, but, alas, Sasquatch still eluded me.
It's just that everything was so streamlined up to this point. My excitement drove the completion of each lesson and each task before, and the tasks were so straight-forward. Now I had to make broad decisions about something I wanted so badly to be perfect.
But I realize that now is the time to ease my foot off the gas pedal. It is time to pass the baton from the hare to the tortoise. It is time to take a deep breath, relax, and just write. "It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, it never will be. You just need to clear your mind, and write."
I recalled the advice I received from @judebanks, "Remember to rest and sleep," she said. Easier said than done, when all you want is to get it done.
"Put down the mouse and step away from the computer, Nelson." Self-talk helps a little. Advice from senior members help more.
And as the sun begins to set over an uncharacteristically cool Florida day, the hand-off is complete, and the tortoise begins to write...
Recent Comments
You are like me too much. I want to push and push and push yet there are so many hours in the day (why can't we have 28 hour days?!?). Keep up the good work and stay focused.
Thank you for sharing . You read my mind ,I have been having the same issues . I know what I want to write but don't know how to write it
You just start and believe you me it will be hard to stop writing.
You'll be sleeping and seeing yourself write.:)
You'll be eating and thinking over a new line.:)
Hi Joe, I did complete the about me page, as this was part of a previous lesson. As for the other pages, I thought that they should NOT sound like my about me page. I was thinking more technical writing, but you're right. It should be conversational. I just don't want to sound too "familiar" to those who might go to a site to learn about trading options...or maybe I should sound conversational...would this have more pros than cons? After all, most sites in this niche do tend to sound a bit dry. I will use that advice. Conversational it is...
Well just start with ABOUT ME which should be easy. Then take a crack at GETTING STRTED….it will start to fall into place. Try a simple short blog about your niche…..Just be yourself. When you write… talking to the reader as though he was sitting with you and you are explaining to him how to get going….
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I hit a big snag in Level 3, with affiliate links. Had to go over the lessons, over and over, do and re-do my links which were not working, etc. Eventually I got it, but still have trouble linking pages.....
I think you made wise decision to just slow down, and start taking it all in, in small chunks. We all learn differently, and all hit some obstacles.