Shiny object syndrome!
You've found WA and it's a true diamond so stay the course!
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Good one Tony. I still constantly have to fight SOS. Not just in WA but everything in my life.
It maybe like ADHD.................everyone in the world either has or had it at one time or another but until the Big Pharma Giants started making pills to treat it...........who cared.
You nailed it, Steve! That's why I have to practice serious tactics to stay focused. Maybe while I'm off and wandering, I'll invent a computer that only allows you to open one tab at a time! :)
Now if you do that, I will be your first customer and you will be wealthy !
Have a great weekend my friend !
So me!! Distractions, I am like the Border Collie, one minute right on task then, Squirrel!! :-)
So freakin true of me LOL
But i do think the light came on for me when i started to look at just promoting WA i could achieve success.
Thanks Tony.
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Very funny :-))
I "like" it :-)
:-)) oxo
DITTO to your DITTO ....LOL