Premium membership up and running
Wow, i managed to get my Premium membership a few hours before the $19 promotion ended. i actually wanted to upgrade last week but was having problems getting my debit cards to fulfill the payments and got some error. I had a chat with Kyle and he recommended i contact my bank and see if they can sort it out.
I took of time today from work to go to the bank and ask what the problem was and 20 minutes later walked out with a new card and rushed home,popped my laptop out and completed the payment.
I have finished the available training in the free version and cant wait to get going with the training available in Premium. I am looking forward to learning as much as i can and being a part of this community. Thank you Kyle and Carson for putting this all together and giving many of us the oppertunity to reach our full potential.
Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars.
Congratulations on getting to premium.