Another Milestone Reached - My Affiliate Journey Continues
Hey guys another quick update on my progress. If you remember I changed the way my website was working last year to go more into Affiliate Marketing.
From an initial slow start I eventually was making money by the year end and so I continued the building process to make 2019 bigger and better.
I decided to put the money earned into getting content created from my writter which left me time to re-work old posts and make the website easier to navigate and search.
So today I have passed my figure for all of last year in sales.
We are only just short of half way in 2019 so hopefully with continued growth and the holiday season I can see more improvements.
You can see from the image the line is on a gentle upward slop for sales.

So my advice to you if you feel you are getting nowhere or feeling burned out just remember that changes made now may not reap rewards for months down the line but when they start to come you can build on it for the fututre.
I would be interested to hear of your progress too!
Recent Comments
Thank you for sharing Mark! It is great see that you have been making progress.
I have not actively writing my articles lately and I can see my progress declining. However, I have to focus on one from my many endeavors and writing articles at this time is not my highest priority... =(
Once my goal is achieved for my first focus, I will return to writing articles again. Can't wait to catch up!
Hey Tommmo, this site of your post "So my advice to you if you feel you are getting nowhere or feeling burned out just remember that changes made now may not reap rewards for months down the line but when they start to come you can build on it for the fututre" talked directly to me.
I've made changes to my site but feeling down for not seeing immediate results. You've taught me to be patient. I'll drink to your toast when teh results come in.
Stay blessed.
Yes, it takes time for the changes to work somewhere around 6 months before a page/post sits at its correct ranking and stabilizes. So patience is the name of the game.
Impressive growth Mark :)
Have you got this results by
following the "Online Entrepreneur Certification"
course or Jay webinars?
Also, have you build any backlinks
or manual linkbuilding or PBN's?
I have completed all the certs and watched a good deal of Jay's webinars. However, I made most of my traffic jumps when following Dylans training on Best Of's How To Create a 6 Figure Website
You are most welcome, check out Dylans training and updates as it over a year old now.
We have been working to a process of best of's, mixed with reviews and how to's rather than just straight best of's as mentioned in the training.
Seems to work better than just straight best of's.
You are right, Mark
A mix of best of, reviews and how to's
works better than straight best of's.
Because a site with only best of's
may come of as pure affiliate sites
in the eyes of Google and may affect
the rankings.
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Yeeeeeee! Congrats Mark and to new bigger milestones!!!
Indeed Zarina bigger milestones are in place. How long to reach them that is the question, but reached they will be.