After Rest, Go Slow. No Need to Rush or Charge

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Hi everyone,

In my last post I talked about the need for rest, and that is good for us, for our soul. There was one comment about recharging and then charging forward. And I wondered:

  • Must we charge forward after a rest?
  • Doesn't it defeat the purpose of the rest?
  • Why charge forward and rushing only to burn out again?

It seems that in our world, there are those that laud charging forward in our endeavors. They perceive it as a good trait.

Don't get me wrong. I do agree that there are times when I too see the need for speed. But these days, after a brush with cancer, I learned to be more mindful. To take things slow when needed.

And I needed that rest. It was good for my mind, my body and my soul.

(art by Copilot, prompted by Tim)

And more than that. After that day of rest, I too thought I would be back to my old routine of churning out blog posts and videos. And at the speed I used to do it.

To my surprise, I found myself going slow. Very slow.

I had intended to produce a review by end of yesterday. But I took my time. To research. To study the product. To write the review. To create images for the blog post.

I did that all very slowly. I even took many breaks to relax or meditate. By the end of yesterday, the review was still not completed. And I am all right with that.

Since surviving cancer, I learned not to put pressure on myself. I learned to do things step by step. Moving forward. Slowly, if necessary. And not force myself to hurry.

By the end of yesterday, I reflected on my progress. In the past, I would strive to produce at least that one blog post within a day. Today, I learned to just do it at my own pace. And to be all right no matter how long it took. And be simply happy when it is done.

And I believe that I have grown. I have evolved. I have now learned to do my best at the speed I am comfortable with. And I am happy about that.

I hope my sharing this helps you. Do take breaks and rest. After a break or rest, be kind to yourself. Take it slow. Don't rush. Don't pressure yourself. Your journey is at its perfect pace. You are perfect.

I wish you good health.


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Recent Comments


Again Tim, I say we should go at a pace our bodies are comfortable with and not overdo things (too much)!

It's great to charge forwards and do as much as we can when we can, but... pushing ourselves too much is never a happy ending....

Take care buddy, move along at a pace you are comfortable with and enjoy the weekend!!


So true, Nick. And well said.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thanks buddy, you too! :-)

That's what weekends are for Nick.

They are indeed Bux! I hope you are enjoying yours my friend! :-)

Just about to watch the Rugby. All work done, all the decks are clear,
I'm ready

Happy to hear that Bux!

I didn't watch it but saw the result, seems like an exciting finish! :-)

It was down to the very last kick. If the Ball had gone y inches to the left, the Italians would have won. Very tense, a good game to watch.
Back on the track tomorrow.
Take care.

I do like a good nail biter Bux!

Have a fantastic week my friend! :-)

We should listen to our bodies and our hearts more often, and pay less attention to the size of our wallet.
Money is good, but friendship and health will always trump money.

Well said, my friend.

Yes, we must listen to our bodies and hearts more.


The turtle always beats the hare.


Yes. Slowly. Steadily. Moving forward.


Hi Timotheus! Been very poorly over the last month myself and slowly getting back into things one day at a time. I do believe that rushing back into the norm can put you back to square one, so, rest and rest some more, nothing is going anywhere and you can always catch up. Have a great weekend.

Thanks Brian. 🙏

That's good advice.

I wish you good health.


Thanks, Tim.

I totally agree with your position on this, Tim!


Thanks, Jeff 🙏

Here's your virtual prize! You are a winner!


You are too kind, Tim! Thank you!


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