Amusing Blog Comment Spam...


Here's the comment below, painfully obvious that it's automated:

Yes the way to get me to approve your spam comment is to insult me.

I thought about sending an email to them saying that I didn't appreciate their spam comments, but I don't think that would stop them from doing it.

I also thought about contacting their affiliate network and tell them how much I didn't appreciate their spam comments, but it appears to be a stand alone merchant site, that probably sells knock off michael kors bags.

Oh well, I guess I'll just keep on sending the spam comments to "bit heaven"

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I got the exact same comment but it got trapped by Akismet.

Ignore it and take it whence it comes. Nothing to be concerned about. Keep up the good work!

I got one of those a while back.

Amen.... :)

I think the idea is to make you mad, and get you to respond. You then have to approve the comment. It's hard to believe someone actually makes a living as a spammer. I never got that. Why spend you efforts to be an effective spammer when you could use the same to to build something productive?

The answer to your question alludes me. I'd have to ask a spammer, but I don't care to hang around prople who do those types of things. Maybe in their minds, there is nothing wrong with it?

I find it a nuisance spending even 5 seconds of my time having to delete spam so I wouldn't spend a minute of my time responding to garbage. This one above is SO ridiculous it actually made me giggle.

I normally just delete them. I was just annoyed that I deleted a bunch of spam and not 15 minutes later I had 14 new ones.

This one made me chuckle so I decided to share it with everyone.

I hear you and I feel the exact same way.

I'm really glad you did share because it gave me a morning giggle. As Rich mentions, Akismet is great. I use Akismet and it helps HUGE, but unfortunately some garbage still gets through.

That shows you the mental level of a spammer, Thomas. I would be happy to see this on my blog is it obviously annoyed the spammer as much as spammers annoy us. Spammers are about as useless as you can get. Regards

Sometimes, I wonder if they get any benefit from it. Or maybe they think that it works so that's why they keep on doing it.

I think their idea is that for every one thousand they can spam, one fish will bite. I truly detest spammers and have written blogs about it. I one had an SEO company filling up my genealogy forum with spam, including porn, on a daily basis. I tracked them down and threatened them. The company, SEO Profier, ceased spamming me.

Disappointing but hey just forget and move forward, it's not worth anything more or any waste of your time,

Yeah, true. It just gets annoying clearing out the spam and have new ones appear almost right away

I imagine it's an attempt to bypass automatic spam filters which will perceive it as a genuine albeit negative comment. If a site doesn't have any manual intervention, it would therefore be likely to get automatically posted thereby achieving the spammer's objective of getting their link up. Rich.

It's hard to imagine not having manual intervention, that most be one spam riddled

lo good idea just flush it and forget it

Yeah, very true.

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