Peak Traffic from POLAND
I got excited when I saw the spike in traffic to many of my websites. At first I thought I might have got a lot of posts ranked in indexed by Google.
Been on more research, I discovered that this massive amount of traffic was all coming from Poland.
I’m doing most of my marketing local in the United States and Canada, so I don’t know why I would get traffic from Poland.
So this traffic from Poland kind of seems like a false positive to me. I don’t think that it is real traffic, and might be some kind of hack.
These are some of the things we need to be concerned about when working online. And for this very reason, I have moved some of my Marketing and traffic sources back to traditional methods.
Yes, I am using direct mail, postcards, delivered by the United States, Postal Service, and I am also running a billboard on the freeway.
Call me crazy, but I think the people driving down the road are humans and not robots.
What are your thoughts?
Minneapolis Minnesota 🇺🇸
Recent Comments
If what you’re advertising is local, sure billboards can do the trick. Your audience is in their car and can literally be influenced to drive on over to the advertised business that is just around the corner that they maybe didn’t know about. But in terms of reach for something online and not local, no billboard can beat Google search results. 😎👍🏼💯
Bots are simply a part of the online game. It's no different than if you started getting spam callers to a telephone number you put on a billboard. With the global reach we have online the last thing you want to do is cut that reach short. It's like smacking rocks together trying to build a fire when you have a blowtorch sitting next to you. Don't let the bots get you down! 👍🏼
You got this!
IU have had a lot of traffic from Poland at the moment as well. Some autobot thing I would assume
I would think that any kind of marketing that would bring more eyeballs to what you are offering is a good thing. Just my two cents.
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Hey Brad,
You can read MY comments on the following two posts, re "Polish Traffic":
This One "" spammy traffic on ga4,should I dissavow it? And This One How to deal with recieving traffic spam? I've been involved in various conversations on numerous platforms over the past month or so about this, the site has definitely made a fantastic effort to spam the entire internet, LOL... but not to worry, I'm it's gonna get "clapped" by Google very, very, very soon.
As for the "Old School" marketing methods, YUP, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", whereas it was the norm for many years, it feels more "unique and original" nowadays in the "technological era", but sure, still works a treat.