Just arrived on my seventh continent, l thank you WA!

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Happy Bunny today! I just arrived in Bogota, Colombia, late last night. South America is the only continent I have never been to. I will be able to see it all in seven years. I plan to visit fourteen countries and spend six months in each. I may not want to spend six months in Panama, but some countries are bigger than others.

So ALL I have to do now is maintain optimal fitness. I will be 70 next year. Hoping my health will hold . After that i should be in a position to see where I want to live.

All of this has been as a result of what i hve learned here and if I can do it anyone can do it.

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You are one brave woman!!! I love to travel but don't like doing it alone. It has nothing to do with my mobility but I just wouldn't feel safe. So, I admire this nomad side of you and wish I was as brave. Don't worry about 70, you'll do fine. Stay active mentally and physically. You'll nail it!!!!!!


Well, Debbi, fortunately, my mind is age 7. I refuse to feel fear because I know that if I do, then I will attract something fearful. For fifty years I have traveled and believed nothing major will go wrong, and sofar nothing has.

With your skill, I don't believe your mind is age 7 😂 but I am happy for you!

Your body ages but your mind doesn't at least mind doesn't I still feel 18 in my head

Well, I know THAT's right!

When i saw a picture and what you are doing traveling around the world, i had to become your follower. Really brave for one woman with many years and i hope you will found on your journeys what are you looking for.
Your energy give us all a strength to carry on with our lives and fight with our weakness to be better people and parents tomorrow.

Sincerely Pera

Thanks Pera

Congratulations on your continued success Catherine.
No reason why you shouldn’t stay fit and healthy. My stepmother took on a puppy at 84. Now 86 she walks her dog every day, does all her housework daily and keeps her garden in order herself too. She goes to family events and the theatre etc.
With your determined mindset you will stay fit and healthy too for many more years.

Thank you for that, Linda. I needed it; I know there are plenty of people who are fit, healthy, and, more importantly, medication free in their 80s. I got blind sided this week two friends have told me this week that they are giving up going away as they cant do it. May your step mother have many more years of health

Good morning Catherine,

Well done for being so adventurous, Catherine, I do admire you for that. We are the ones that have to make it happen and you have stepped out to do exactly that.

Maybe you ought to write a book on your adventures, or perhaps you already have!

It's great that you have learned so much from the platform, but I also know that you are an action-taker!

Have a fantastic time.


Thank you Roy No I never written anything about my traveling maybe I should blog about it

It's always a pleasure, Catherine.

I appreciate there is only so much time in the day. However, as you know, many people make a living through their travel blog.

Have a fantastic day.


Hi, Catherine, that is very nice, especially the timing!! You should explore other places of this planet as you look ahead to such a time when it may not be possible. Unfortunately, all of us experience such a time, when you [your seat of intelligence] want to do something, but rest of the body refuses the commands from the brain. I wish you all the best.
Have a great day.

Thank you Joseph. Mind over matter works for me

Please, use it to your advantage!

This is amazing Catherine. I hope someday to travel outside the US, but so far I’ve only been to the Bahamas.
Cheers to your health and safe travels! 🥂

Everything is possible Steve id ou stick to the training

Wonderful news, Catherine. I've not yet been to any country outside of the US, other than Canada, Vancouver, B.C. is a couple of hours north of me. And I have been to Vancouver Island,too.

Next year my plans are to travel outside of the US. Locations to be determined once I get my Canadian papers and passport.

That sounds like a fantastic goal, to spend 6 months at a time, gives you a chance to really see the country and it's people.

Have you ever written about your travels?


No Rudy I haven't

Wonderful to hear Catherine. Another tick off on the bucket list for you.



Working my way down the list now I have to decide whether I want to see all the countries in the world. The question is the energy I think I have about 40 to go

Enjoy the one's now then decide on the rest
Take care and enjoy

That is important Andre being present thanks for the reminder

No probs Catherine have a great time and keep us posted (pun intended) lol
Andre 🙏😊

Wow! How are you managing to get to Antarctica? That’s so exciting!

I merely stood on it and stepped back, I don't do cold

Pffftttt - that’s more than the most of us have gotten to do! Congrats!

Well done Catherine. May you enjoy every minute of the adventure and do keep us all in the loop.

I plan to Dave

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