How to Become A Digital Nomad and Travel the World.

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What is a Digital Nomad

A digital nomad is a person who travels from country to country while working online. I am a digital slomad I travel permanently but more slowly. I have only visited Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica since 2020. I am older and want to immerse myself in the culture more. Having said that I am going to have to get my skates on as there is still a lot of the world to see. Fortunately, I had a head start before I started to be a digital nomad.

I decided to become a digital nomad and travel alone because I am curious how the world works, or I am bonkers and/ or delusional. That depends on who you listen to. I want to live my life on my own terms with as much freedom as I can muster.

This is more than just economic freedom fortunately the training here allows you to create that. I want the freedom to push the boundaries and find out what freedom really means.

My Personal Benefits to Being A Digital Nomad

i am challenged on a daily basis. You cannot live in your comfort zone and wander. As a digital nomad, you're frequently moving between different cities, countries, or even continents. Each location comes with its own culture, language, and customs, which forces you to adapt quickly. This can be challenging for people used to a stable, familiar environment. You learn to navigate new transportation systems, new languages, adjust to varying time zones, and figure out how to live in unfamiliar places without the support systems you're used to. Even as a slomad I have to make adjustments for a different cultural background.

Traditional office setups offer consistency and routine, but as a digital nomad, you might work from cafés, coworking spaces, or even the beach. (Personally I don't, I don't want sand in my laptop, but I have many people working on the beach. )This means learning to be productive in less than ideal environments with fluctuating internet quality, background noise, and other distractions. It forces you to adapt and find ways to stay focused no matter where you are​.

Navigating visas, accommodation, and traveling, while being on the requires a high degree of self-reliance. it would be easier if you have a high level of organization, but my organizational skills are virtually zero. So for a lot of the time I have to wing it. This has led to mixed results. I very rarely research a place before arrival, but that is partly laziness on my part and partly a deep trust that I am where I need to be.

Most people say I am constantly lost. Whilst it is true that I have a horrible sense of direction. I can go down one street and not deviate and lose my way back in a straight line. Fortunately, I travel alone as it would drive someone else mad.

To the people who say I am lost I say

"That is your perception, not my reality!!!!"

The digital nomad lifestyle is unpredictable. You never know what challenges you'll face, whether it's an unreliable internet connection, cultural misunderstandings, or a sudden shift in your work opportunities. This constant uncertainty teaches you resilience and flexibility, pulling you away from the security of predictability. Weirdly this has made me more productive.

As I get nearer to the equator I am getting to twelve hour days and twelve hour nights. I awake with the dawn at 6.00. my aim is to publish at least 3,000 words before coffee or breakfast. The unpredictability of my life has also reignited a love of learning. At the moment I am learning Pinterest. (Thanks Frank for your wonderful insights).

So how can you start this life. Well there are three ways to do this, but they all start here

You need to learn some marketing skills.

Method 1

Learn to be an affiliate marketer, build your own niche site and live off the earnings.

Method 2

Learn the skills taught here and have a niche site but also expand into your own area of expertise. This has been my method of choice, although oddly I am more focusing on affiliate marketing at the minute. I built a PLR site. Which means I write product reviews to sell.

Someone who has done this effectively is

Roope he has used the skills he learned to here and has build a successful Youtube Channel and branched out into Crypto .

Dale has used the training here to become a super affiliate often in Vegas and he has built a sales funnel in Commission Academy.

These are just two there are many more.

Method 3

Learn the skills taught here and then branch out into your areas of expertise. People I know that have done that are

Jeanine, she has become an affiliate network manager. She used to do that for other people (Awin)she has now branched out to do this a self employed person

Karin and Mel are both building a profitable self publishing business.

These are the three ways to become a digital nomad, but they all involve LEARNING NEW SKILLS. Being a digital nomadess in my case is not for the faint of heart, it keeps you on your toes. Even if that means occasionally you are chasing your tail. Of course, you can learn new skills and sell those skills to others as well as a social media manager.

There are many more examples than the piddling number of people I linked to who have built the skills to be a digital nomad,

Skills and Jobs

Here are 20 jobs you can do as a digital nomad, offering flexibility to work from anywhere in the world. These are not the only jobs but they spring to mind as the one that pay the best.

  • Freelance Writer
    Writing content for blogs, magazines, or companies on a freelance basis.
  • Web Developer
    Designing and coding websites or web applications for clients or companies.
  • Graphic Designer
    Creating visual content like logos, brochures, or social media posts for businesses.
  • Social Media Manager
    Managing and creating content for social media accounts to grow audiences and engagement.
  • Virtual Assistant
    Providing administrative support remotely, such as email management, scheduling, and data entry.
  • Online English Teacher
    Teaching English to non-native speakers via platforms like VIPKid or iTalki.
  • SEO Specialist
    Optimizing websites to rank better in search engines and drive traffic.
  • Affiliate Marketer
    Promoting products or services online and earning commissions on sales through affiliate programs.
  • Digital Marketing Consultant
    Helping businesses improve their online marketing strategies, including SEO, paid ads, and email marketing.
  • Dropshipping Entrepreneur
    Running an e-commerce store without keeping inventory, where suppliers ship products directly to customers.
  • E-commerce Store Owner
    Creating and managing an online store selling physical or digital products.
  • Copywriter
    Writing persuasive copy for sales pages, ads, and email campaigns to convert customers.
  • Translator
    Translating documents or content between different languages for businesses or individuals.
  • Photographer
    Selling stock photography online or doing freelance photography for clients.
  • YouTube Content Creator
    Creating and monetizing video content on platforms like YouTube through ads or sponsorships.
  • Podcast Host
    Running and monetizing a podcast through sponsorships or ads.
  • Online Course Creator
    Building and selling courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
  • Remote Customer Support
    Providing support for businesses through email, chat, or phone for customers.
  • App Developer
    Creating mobile apps for clients or selling apps on platforms like the App Store or Google Play.
  • Data Analyst
    Analyzing and interpreting data to help businesses make informed decisions

Here is a list of digital nomad Sites for you to explore the lifestyle furthe

  1. Nomad List
    Nomad List is a comprehensive directory for digital nomads, offering rankings of cities based on factors like cost of living, internet speed, and quality of life. It’s a great resource for finding the best destinations and connecting with other nomads.
  2. Digital Nomad World
    A global community for digital nomads, this site offers city guides, job listings, and networking opportunities. It's a go-to for remote professionals looking for resources to work and travel.
  3. Reddit's Digital Nomad Community
    The r/digitalnomad subreddit is a large and active online forum where digital nomads discuss everything from visas to the best places to work remotely. It’s a great place for real-time advice and connecting with other nomads.
  4. Facebook Digital Nomads Around the World
    This large and friendly Facebook group allows nomads to share experiences, ask for advice, and stay updated on travel trends. It’s a great platform for networking and getting tips about different destinations.
  5. Global Digital Nomad Network
    A more niche platform, this network connects remote workers who are passionate about travel. It offers resources on internet stability, job opportunities, and community support for nomads around the globe.

These sites can help you find the best destinations, connect with other nomads, and access essential tools to make your digital nomad journey smoother and more enjoyable.

So I hope this inspires at least one person to change their life by learning the skills that Wealthy Affiliate offer

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Recent Comments


That a great post Catherine, lots to pick up on, thank you


If we want it enough then through hard work and dedication there is nothing we can't achieve Catherine!

Surely you can add Columbia to the list of places you have been to since 2020 though??

Appreciate the inspiration my friend and keep on living the dream!!


I was stuck on four continents for ages as well. Parents and in-laws had dementia, but my time has come

I here you Catherine and my time will eventually come as well if I'm still breathing that is!

Let me know when you hit Brazil ok!!


Excellent message, Catherine!

Thanks for the kudos to our Waa folks, and for sharing the nomad links!

And I don't think you are lost, are on YOUR journey, enjoy!


Lost is something I would never admit to being, although I frequently do not know where I am in relation to where I have come from

We all have paths we take in our journeys, and sometimes our paths cross, or run parallel. Lost is part of the journey...


Excellent read. First paragraph is duplicated though 🤪

Thanks Dave i wrote it in two bits this morning and was dashing off to have a day exploring, thanks for telling me

Hi Catherine

This is a wonderful resource post, and I'm so happy you find my Pinterest blogs helpful!

I'll have to admit that I'd make a poor digital nomad (actually, at my age, "super slomad," Hahaha). My wife and I love our creature comforts, not to mention all the guitars, amps, and movies on disc I'd have to travel with. Lol 😆

When I was working as a biomedical engineering consultant, I visited most of the bigger US cities with a travel-size guitar. Although it was great fun and very profitable, I couldn't wait to get back home to my family and friends!

At this point, I'm on "cruise control," almost fully retired from clinical medicine and spending most of the day doing all the things my wife and I enjoy.

I take my hat off to you and all you have experienced and accomplished!😎

Frank 🎸

P.S. Your first two paragraphs contain duplicate information.

Fottunately not everyone wants my life. In general creature comforts are a distant memory, but not something i regret doing without. There still time to settle when i physically need to

You're doing exactly what you want, Catherine, and that's more valuable than gold! 😎

Frank 🎸

You have one life, and if you don't live it for yourself, someone will live it for you. I would no more swap my life for your than you would for mine, but in our own way we are fully living

Absolutely, Catherine! 👍😎

Nice post, Catherine! We share many of the same propensities.

As a full-time RVer, I am more like a turtle who takes his home with him, so some issues of being a US digital nomad are more consistent.

Have a blessed day!

Thank you Howard

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