Amazon Images

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I have seen many in chat asking about using Amazon images and the Lasso Plugin. I just want to offer some input into this topic. I am a current user of the Lasso Plugin.

Can You Use Amazon Photos for Affiliate Links?

According to Amazon’s terms of service, you can only use the product images for the purpose of promoting the products and services offered on Amazon’s website. So you can add a link to an image as long as you get the image through the PA API.


Once you have made you initial 3 sales, you will have access to the Amazon API. This will allow you to use Lasso to pull images and product information directly from their website. Without the initial 3 sales, Amazon has basically made it tough for you to make sales. You can enter text links within your content. The use of their images is forbidden in their terms of service.

Lasso has a Free Version anyone can use. Again, without the initial 3 sales and approval, you have absolutely no access to their API for images and product information. And even with Amazon approval. I was only able to pull images and product information only once with the Free Version.

Lasso creates awesome displays. But it does come at a hefty price and limitations. The yearly price for Lasso is $289 for a single website. If you are new and have limited funds, this could be an issue. Especially if you are new with limited traffic for sales. You will need traffic to justify the expense. Traffic equals eyes on the product and eventual sales.

Lasso Display Example

Lasso Limitations

Lasso has its limitations

  • Initial Sales Requirement: Lasso may require a certain level of initial sales to justify its cost, which can be a barrier for new affiliate marketers or those with lower sales volumes.
  • Pricing Structure: Lasso’s pricing structure may be higher compared to Affilininja, making it less accessible to users looking for a more budget-friendly affiliate marketing tool.
  • Lasso Requires Amazon API to Use It’s Features

The Alternative Will Be Affilininja

Affilininja is a plugin like lasso, but at a super low price point when compared to that of Lasso. Again, if paid yearly, Lasso cost $289 for a single site. Affilininja is $47 per year for a single site. Given that, if you have 3 websites, if you use Lasso the cost is $756 per year for their product. Affilininja is $77 for up to 5 websites. Basically, what you will pay for 5 sites is equal to what you will pay for just 2 months of Lasso for a single site. Kind of a no brainer if you ask me. But to each his own.

Another Benefit For New Amazon Associates

With Affilininja, you are not required to have made your initial 3 sales to use images. The Affilininja Plugin leverages THEIR API for images and product information. It pulls directly from the Amazon site just like Lasso does but under Affilininja's License.

Affilininja Does Not Require API Access

With Affilinija, you save when compared to Lasso making it a clear alternative. If you have questions or comments, I am always about. I use both plugins and would be happy to help.



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I just looked at the videos on their website. This looks fantastic

It is a great plugin

Thank you very much for making us aware of this

Anytime Mark

Great info Michael and appreciate the share my friend! :-)

Welcome Jessie

Cheers buddy!!




Good to know, thank you


Thanks Michael, that's really good info!

Tim 🎼

Thanks Tim

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