3 New Comment Submissions, 3 More Rejected Comments (A Call to Action)

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Good morning WA,

I woke up to 3 new comments from SiteComments active requests I have going right now. Of those 3 comments, ALL 3 were spam, with 2 of which being from the same person, on the same post, with the same spam comment:

The third rejected comment was a comment I've now received 3 times from the same person who seems to have the same canned "dancing" comment comparison.

And then there are the seemingly well-meaning comments that actually don't show any real proof the person even opened your article, never mind referencing the post's subject matter:

Now, I know most of us aren't native English speakers, so nobody is expecting perfect grammar or spelling. Just effort.

It's unfortunate because the SiteComments system's inception essentially killed the Give and Take comment thread. The idea is great: Help 3 people out and then we help you out. However, I've found the vast majority of folks "pad" their comments with the above examples or saying "thank you great post" 5 different ways. Couple that with the fact that if you wish to OFFER comments you get served with the same person's sites over and over (I've been told by Kyle this is being addressed).

Things are really quite bad right now with the SiteComments system.

However, I don't want to just jump in, complain, and jump out here. I will leave you with this:

I've been reading a few books on wealth building lately and I've noticed an underlying theme in ALL of them: Wealth is achieved through the service of others. Always. Think about that. Most people get rich by helping other people in one way or the other. And that is also the underlying principle taught here at WA: Focus on quality content that helps your reader and success will follow.

Your goal using SiteComments should be to actually help the person who's post you're commenting on. provide at least some value. Give the person something to respond to in your comment. Ask a simple question about the post's topic. It';s really not hard, even if you know NOTHING about the topic. You can literally read 1-2 full paragraphs from a post and usually have enough ammo to muster up a decent comment.

So my call to action is this:

Let's all make an effort to truly provide each other with value. Let's help one another. Poor comments like the ones above are only helping yourself (if you're the one leaving them). Let's really help each other thrive in 2021.

I also propose an alternative:

While the tool is producing poor results and not working FOR us - REVIVE THE GIVE AND TAKE COMMENTS THREAD. I believe if all of us who really want to use comments and engagement effectively on our sites went and used that thread instead we would all see much greater success in that regard. The thread actually forces users to click and go to the bottom of your post, making it much more likely they actually read a headline or two.


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Recent Comments


The last several times I went to offer comments I was shocked.
Websites where the posts are not much more than 300-400 words
with very little substance. Then comments exactly the same as yours. One was very lengthy and just the same thing over and over.
I found it horrifying that these website owners think the posts are okay enough to ask for comments and then just accept them all regardless of quality.
Any who accept this type of comment are doing themselves and others a disservice because the perpertrator just continues to ruin the system for others.
If there is nothing of substance in an article/post then I don't leave a comment, I move on.

I agree with your assessment of receiving bad comments. I always read all of an article. I try to respond with valid points about the article. There are times when my comments are disapproved. Whether it was viewed by the author as negative or did not relate to the article being viewed. I, personally, believe that it is a disservice to the author if you do not read all of the article. My advice to anyone who is going to read the article should take the time to read all of it. You will find more value in the article the more you read. Moreover, it gives the author the RESPECT they are worthy of. I am sorry to get on my soapbox and rant but all authors deserve to be respected for the time and effort they put into the research, time spent organizing the material and writing the article.

Couldn't agree more, Jerry - thanks for the comment! If someone takes the time and energy to write out a 1000+ word article, leaving a 3 sentence gibberish comment is frankly kinda rude and disrespectful, when you think about it.

Good afternoon Dev,

I have been on a personal crusade for a long time. In Nov. 2019 I was in contact with SiteSupport, 40 messages between us.
I uncovered some gang like structures and wrote 3 WA posts about it.
The result of being a Sherlock Holmes was a new rule.
1Person can only leave one comment per post. There were people with 3 different Gravatars, leaving 3 comments but being only 1 person with 1 WA profile.

My digging, often to the level of the mentor of the mentor of the commenter, I hope you can still follow me, uncovered amazing things. I once came upon a network of 100 plus people. It was made up of Gravatar pictures, white little flowers or sunflowers, what a sight.. These people disappeared from the platform.

If something is strange, weird, etc I always report, screenshot included to SiteSupport.

Greetings from the south of Spain,


Woah! That's really interesting and super not cool. Thats the definition of a credit farm right there.

Thanks Dev. I couldn't agree more! I have mentioned numerous times the flaws in the SiteComments system (especially getting sites to review from the same person over and over again). I understand it is their right to request as many comments as they want to "buy" with their credits, but when you are making an effort to help others by reviewing their sites, it is extremely frustrating to get 10 sites in a row from the same person requesting comments on one of their gazillion sites or posts. I want to help more than just one person! I try not to skip any because I don't want my skip rate above 10% but the whole "leave and come back later" method of getting around that is not a realistic option most times as I am not able to spend all day here and half the time when I do leave and come back later, it is yet another site from that same person. Maybe they could implement an option for us to not see sites from specific people.

Not to mention the fact that many times, when I leave comments, I genuinely read what they want (discussion on the topic, site feedback, questions, etc.) Yet most times, if I ask a question in my comment, I get no responses from them.

I make it a point to try to reply to every comment I get, even if it is just to thank them for taking the time to read and comment.

Sorry, for the long response but you hit a sore point for me ;) Rant complete.

I hope you have a wonderful day and continue to help others which always leads to success!

Hit the nail on the head, man. I don't skip sites in those instances, I report them. If I've already commented on someone's content, or if i see that its the same person with the same content, but on a different site, I report because its either spam or a flaw in the tool as we arent supposed to be served the same request twice.

I try to leave questions in my comments to spark discussion for the person's post but I dont ever really go back to see if they've answered. Im more doing it to give them fuel for a quality reply and less because I actually care what the answer is lol.

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