So I lied, But Not On Purpose


Hello WA,

So, four weeks ago, I blogged that I was taking a break. Well, I lied. I did try to start a new quilt. But after measuring and cutting the material and then sewing a few rows, I found that my back was killing me.

Believe it or not, my back doesn't hurt sitting in from of a laptop typing. (go figure)

So I went back to work. I have written and published 5 new articles. I started a new website with 6 articles published. I am finishing up an article for the older website and another for the new one.

I did let my first website go. I hadn't published anything on it for months. I just lost the passion for it. But I am very excited about the new one.

I have decided that the uncertainty of what Google wants will not stop me. I will just continue to write.

Now for some bad news :(

As some of you know, my husband had knee surgery at the end of December .

After 12 weeks of therapy, he was still unable to straighten the knee to the surgeon's satisfaction. So, the decision was made to go back in (have surgery again) and see what was going on.

The surgeon may have to chip some bone or just rearrange things in there. We won't know exactly until he gets in there, so we are back to square one.

He will be having the surgery on April 11. So, once again, my time will be limited as far as writing because he will have me hopping again. lol "Tai, please do this, Tai, please get me that." sigh

I just hope this gets fixed. He has been compensating, so his other knee is starting to hurt. He has also been having difficulty walking and tires easily, as his gait is off.

He was not going to plant a garden this year because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to take care of it, but I talked him into it.

I want to go out and dig potatoes for supper as needed. So I promised him I would help the best I can. (I am also going to bug my son for some help lol)

So this morning, we planted potatoes, peas, onions, beets, radishes, and spinach. Keep your fingers crossed that we will not have to replant. We usually do, though. :(

So anyway that's my news.

Have a wonderful Easter if you celebrate it. I have decided we are going out. I am too tired to cook. lol

Thanks for reading

Have a great day!


Sorry no images, just too tired to look any up and add them.

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That's not lying Tai, just doing what needs to be done!

Sorry to hear that your husband needs to have surgery again... I hope and pray for you both that the outcome is a positive one this time!

Best of luck moving forward with your new site my friend and enjoy a fantastic Easter! :-)

Hi. It sounds like you have a very full plate. I can see how quilting would make your back hurt. It's a lot of different movements and muscles working together to do the cutting and preparations! While sitting at the computer is fairly repetitive, it is using fewer movements and muscles.

I hope your husband's knee problem gets remedied. Especially since they have to go back in. From watching my Late mom recover from nee surgery, it's no "walk in the park" so to speak. I hope his recovery goes better and they determine what is causing the problem and get it taken care of.

Best wishes,

Karin :)

And with hope, it will just keep getting better and better!


Hi Tai, Just do the best you can. I hope things go well with your husband's knee surgery. I am glad you were able to work on your new website. Quilting isn't easy. I'm sorry to learn that doing quilting hurts your back. Maybe do a little at a time. At least doing things like gardening and other responsibilities helps keep things going. Take care, and thanks for keeping us posted. ! πŸ˜€

Happy Easter, Tai! I hope your husband's surgery goes well!

Jeff πŸ™

You are in my prayers, Tai!


They are coming for you, Tai!

Jeff πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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