2nd June: Italian Republic Holiday (let's honour all those who made us free from Nazism!)

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Today is a special day for the Italian Republic, since we celebrate it and - most of all - we celebrate FREEDOM!

"Freedom" is a big word, since Covid has shown us that we all are NOT free.

But, in a beautiful country like mine, with marvelous art sites, geographical beauties to explore and great food to eat, having the chance to go out and meet people is surely a luxury freedom.

In this day, I want to remember all those young men and women who fought to make our country free again from Nazism, and any form of dictatorship.

We will always remember you with moving feelings! Young people who gave their life to bring peace for all must be honoured now and ever!

We live in very though times, even if there is not a declared war yet for us, the war is expanding in Europe! Let's work all for the peace in our DAILY LIVES!

Let's choose to support and help where we can and open new paths for as many people as we can!

Only this way, these low vibes intentionally created, will be raised to a new level of consciousness!

To all my Italian friends, Buona Festa della Repubblica!!!

By your Workaround Girl, Romy :)

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Good morning Romy,

Thank you for your blog post.

I believe it's always good to be thankful for freedom and to remember what our grandparents achieved in those dark days.

Although I have never been to your country, Romy, I can appreciate that it's very beautiful, especially from what my Greek wife tells me!

I find it very sad that we have elitists who seem to want war, no one in their right mind should want that in normal terms. I appreciate we need to fight for freedom, but there are many things that can be avoided if we use common sense.

I hope your business is going well.

Have a fantastic day.


Totally agree with you Roy! There are so called men (meaning human beings, because also women have their role in this, see our Head of State, Giorgia Meloni), who intentionally create the conditions for the war.

It is a clear intention.

What scares me the most, though are all those men and women who don't move any finger in front of great injustices.

So, thinking that very young people were forced to fight a war they did not want to make us free, moves me deeply inside.

Let's not forget what is happening right now in Palestine, and in Ukraina. There are big wars and yet is not possible to stop them because of the interests of few so called men.

That's unbeliavable.

Thank you for your reply Romy, it's appreciated.

I have to be careful what I say on here, for obvious reasons as it is really about Internet marketing, so some topics are from other platforms!

Sadly, this has always been the case with war, Romy, the ones at the top give the orders and the others fight! We are also not being told the truth by the mainstream media. There was a big march in London last Saturday, I was unable to go, but people want our great city back! The UK has a great heritage which many people thought for, but now we have lazy and spineless politicians letting everything go.

No one should want to see wars, as most of them are pointless. However, as a Christian, I know what's happening with Israel, sadly we don't hear the truth from the mainstream media.

Stay strong and have a great day.


Yes, you are right about the topics we talk here, since our main interest in WA is marketing.

BUT (because there is always a but :) as entrepreneurs we could impact on the lives on many people even with our brands.

That's why I always say to WORK WITHIN ourselves, solving our inner problems and traumas, so as entrepreneurs we could make more consciousness choices for the good of all people, not just for our economical interest, and this will reflect on the society out there!

Good morning Romy,

My apologies for the late reply; it's been a busy few days.

I hear where you're coming from, Romy, wise words!

I hope you have a great weekend.

I'm guessing that the weather is quite nice now in Italy.

I'm looking forward to going to Greece in a few weeks.

All the best.


yeah Roy, we are already in full summer! Have a wonderful trip to Greece!!!

Thank you so much, Romy, it's appreciated.

Have a great day.


Interesting. I did not know about this holiday and I'm a history buff, Romy.

Sometimes, it feels like we're still fighting for our freedoms nowadays.

Appreciate the post!
Isaiah 😁

More so now, Isaiah!

Ciao Isaiah, 2nd of June is a very important holiday in Italy with parades, ceremonies and great debates, because there are STILL people who believes that Fascism and Nazism brought "good things".

Infact, it should be a more well known international holiday since - if today we are free - is thanks to all the foreign soldiers (mostly the Americans) who came here to fight to make us free!

And here in WA there are for sure nephews of some of those soldiers! (I have spoken to one of them!)

So yeah, it is a very important Holiday!

Thanks for sharing Romy! Freedom is #1 and certainly being challenged in these times. Peace.


Yes! What is happening in Ukraine or in Palestine reminds us that not everybody in this world is blessed with Freedom! :(

Hi Romy. Buona Festa della Repubblica!

Steve, Buona Festa della Repubblica anche a te!!

Absolutely. God bless all who fought for freedom.

Love to you too!!!

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