About StuartI
Rank 2094
744 followers Joined December 2015
I'm 54 years old and spent 18 years in the property management field until I decided I wanted to become an electrician. The electrician





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Do you need Captcha or is WP-SpamShield enough? Thanks in advance!

WP-SpamShield is enough. I had Captcha once too, but Kyle did deactivate it (He had to help me with my site once), to many Plugins will slow down load speed of your site.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Sylvia!

WP spamshield is more than enough and it does an excellent job of screening and blocking all spam. If you have this installed (which all websites are automatically installed with and set-up with here at WA), you don't need anything else.

Thanks Kyle!

Thanks Kyle, for the clarification. If I'm not mistaken, SI Captcha Anti-Spam plugin was one of the four plugins pre-installed when we set up our websites here on WA's SiteRubix, at least within the last 6 months (myself included). So am glad to know that's one more plugin that we can now deactivate.

In any case, I just wanted to bring your attention to your training course It mentions Akismet still. And since WA has decided to drop Akismet, I think it will be good to revise this training so as to not confuse WA newbies! :)

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Do you need captcha or is wp-spamshield enough?

Do you need captcha or is wp-spamshield enough?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Do you need Captcha or is WP-SpamShield enough? Thanks in advance!

WP-SpamShield is enough. I had Captcha once too, but Kyle did deactivate it (He had to help me with my site once), to many Plugins will slow down load speed of your site.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Sylvia!

WP spamshield is more than enough and it does an excellent job of screening and blocking all spam. If you have this installed (which all websites are automatically installed with and set-up with here at WA), you don't need anything else.

Thanks Kyle!

Thanks Kyle, for the clarification. If I'm not mistaken, SI Captcha Anti-Spam plugin was one of the four plugins pre-installed when we set up our websites here on WA's SiteRubix, at least within the last 6 months (myself included). So am glad to know that's one more plugin that we can now deactivate.

In any case, I just wanted to bring your attention to your training course It mentions Akismet still. And since WA has decided to drop Akismet, I think it will be good to revise this training so as to not confuse WA newbies! :)

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