Hmmmm.Hackers Enterprise at its "finest" ?
Not sure exactly what to make of this, but here goes.........
It would appear that installing the Wordfence Plugin is paying off. I just received two email alerts from Wordfence, saying that : someone tried to log into my website, and was blocked by Wordfence, after apparently attempting to log on 20 times.
Here is the email alert that I got :
".............A user with IP address has been locked out from the signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: 'admin'
User IP:
User hostname:"
I used Google's IP LookUp, to trace the IP address, and here is what I got :

I don't know whether to laugh, or be surprised (perhaps, both?)
I'd like to think that Amazon isn't trying to hack into my website. Which means, some wanker decided to test his luck )))))
Recent Comments
It's great you had that installed! That's great it worked for you
Hope it continues and you never have a hacker crack anything!
Hackers have been around for as long as the pc was invented. They got sophisticated and greedy. The best defense is awareness and wordfence is a good product to deter those nasty crooks. My humble opinion. :-)
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Well they were persistent, but it didn't pay off this time! I'll have to take a look at wordfence, I'm curious now.