Put Your Big Rocks First


We all know the analogy which Steven Covey explains so well. In fact, this very same topic has undoubtedly been blogged about before.

Sure, there are those purists who believe that there might be flaws in the analogy and that smaller, urgent, little pebbles need to be addressed first.

But I don't want to turn this into a debate. I believe there is a lot of truth in the analogy as it stands.

We have 365 days available to us in 2017. That's 365 days of making some powerful, life-changing decisions. That's 365 days with which to make a big difference in our lives.

Traditionally, January the 1st is the day upon which we make resolutions. And we all know how well those go! Some have more willpower than others and are able to hold out for longer.

I would suggest that it's not so much about the rocks, the pebbles and the sand. No. I would suggest that you need a smaller jar.

Why do I say that? For the very reasons that I alluded to earlier: willpower. You're way more likely to be able to achieve seven goals than you are 10. Or three, rather than five.

Stick to the analogy of the big rocks first, then the pebbles, then the sand. After all, priorities are important and no one can argue otherwise. But pick two or three rocks, rather than ten.

There's nothing stopping you from starting a new jar, once you first one is full. Who knows? Perhaps, in 365 days time, you'll have achieved way more than you anticipated, simply by being more realistic and setting smaller targets.

In this case, less is definitely more.

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Recent Comments


Great way of looking at it Stephen .. all the best for 2017. Cheers, William.

You too, William!

Steve a GREAT start to 2017 - good thinking. We all get bogged down by the WHAT (the detail) before we even LOOK at the WHY we are doing this.

Thanks, Don.

I have high hopes for 2017...I think I only had two rocks that happened to be bigger than the opening of the jars. Just lookin around for those big-ass jars :)

That's certainly another option, Michelle: either smaller jars to contain fewer big rocks, or huge jars to contain fewer enormous rocks.

Either way, I believe you should have fewer rocks to start with.

Hi Stephen, thanks for sharing. You are so right. I think people try to accomplish too much all at once. I just pick one goal at a time and work towards it. All the best.

That's spot on, Morag! Thanks for your comment.

I think it's true, Stephen, but if I bog down, or simply get tired of working on a big thing, I'll bounce over to something else for a bit. Variety-the spice of life!

So true, Rick.

Yes. Big rocks first. They stand for the most and important things in life!

Big rocks first, but don't try to do too many big rocks. That's the point of my blog.

"2017" Is Going To Be GREAT!!!

I have no doubt about it, Ryan!

I'm a collector of rocks, so I really like this post Steve.

The book that I finished last week, "The ONE Thing" talks a little about this as well. But he take sit a bit further: instead of having "priorities" people should focus on "the one thing" for that particular goal.

That's true, V. It's all about fewer things to focus on.

Agree Steve, most people who don't achieve their goals usually have way too many and they don't end up achieving any of them.

I am focusing on one big rock this year :)


Good on you, Kev. I wish you the very best of success!

Excellent Kev!

Thanks V!! :)

I am really serious about 2017 :)

Good to hear, Gautam.

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