YouTube has been reducing my views!


Hello My WA Friends,

Hope someone can help me with my nagging question. YouTube has been reducing my views, it is making me angry very bad as I have been working hard creating videos. They reduced the views of my health channel and now they are also reducing my travel channel. I published a travel video 2 days ago, it had 97 views yesterday, and today, the views were reduced to 90 views. Not sure why YouTube is outright nasty and no respect for creators. They don't send me a message why YouTube do such nasty things! I don't play my own videos to increase views like what I heard about what other people do. I am too busy to do such a thing, plus it is a waste of time. I can;t fathom why YT does what they do!

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So when something like this happens it’s nothing YouTube is doing to hurt you. They obviously can’t remove a view if someone actually viewed a video. But what they can do is more accurately represent the true number of views you’ve received. In other words if they were to find that you didn’t actually have X number of unique views they might correct that number to give you a truer, more accurate stat that way your analytics aren’t inflated.

If anything they are giving you a more accurate representation of the views your videos are receiving 👍🏼

I am not sure if what you said is true but I was also experiencing a reduction in my views on my health channel because my health vlog is about natural healing. My gut tells me that big pharma industries are at work doing what they have to do to suppress small businesses educating the masses about natural healing.

If you do a search of natural healing on YouTube you’ll find videos with hundreds of thousands and even millions of views, so while I’m not saying Big Pharma didn’t reduce your views by 7, I think it’s more probable that your views were adjusted for accuracy. 👍🏼 Don’t let them bring you down! Keep up the good work, Evelyn 💯

Thank you, Eric. Your feedback is very much appreciated.


I hope that you get it resolved, Evelyn!


Thank you, Jeff. I hope to have a solution to put a stop to the issue. It is very disturbing! Makes me mad!

Good to hear from you and thanks for stopping by!


You are very welcome, Evelyn!


Hi - YouTube continually crawls accounts, checking for invalid views.

Invalid traffic encompasses views from bots and actions executed by unreal users.

It encompasses all views that do not stem from genuine user interest in your content.

This doesn't mean you deliberately engaged in view manipulation.

It can occur that creators are unaware that their video has been targeted by bots.

Oh, this is super interesting. I’ll bet this is what it is.

Good catch!

Thank you, Diane. I never thought of bots. I guess I can assume that my health channel has been a victim. I have received weird comments before on my health channel.

Do you know of any solution that I can apply to protect my channel?

Thank you,

Sorry, no, you just have to rely on YouTube to do their job!

Ok, Thanks very much, Diane.

I would go into YouTube Studio and block them from your channel. That should help.

I don't know why YouTube or Google do anything anymore. I am sorry they are apparently doing some underhanded things with your video views. I hope the suggestions offered by Michael and Frank have helped.


I wish YT would email me an explanation of why they chopped off my views. They make people irate!

Thank you for your comment.

Hi Sophie

In addition to Michael’s suggestion, I recommend you take a close look at your analytics for the videos on all your YouTube channels. It could provide some insight to your question.

Frank 🎸

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