About sonto
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114 followers Joined June 2021
Hi! My name is Sonto Sithole. I want to learn about online marketing. I am a teacher by profession, but I left teaching a long





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Good morning! I may be asking very stupid questions please bear with me. I have two websites that I am working on. I get a little or maybe a lot confused with the plugins. I de

You only need the ONE seo plugin. Having more than one creates a conflict.

However, as a general rule, there shouldn't be an issue if the plugins are well-coded.

I have a website with 45 plugins installed on it, and it runs superbly.

Keep rankmath if you are happy with it, and delete the other
No worries

I have rankmath Pro

Thanks, dear!

You're welcome :)

And wHen needed you can upgrade


On plugin

Hey Sonto,

Yes, you should only ever have ONE SEO plugin installed on each individual website.

WA now automatically installs the SEO Framework on all new WA-hosted websites.

Other popular SEO plugins are:

Rank Math

WA used to automatically pre-install the All-in-One SEO plugin, but this became a liability over the years.

Firstly, you must remember that ALL plugins are created by a business person//entrepreneur.

So, even though most standard plugins have a free option, the aim of any business person is to Make Money.

Therefore, you'll often see messages to "upgrade", etc.

However, with AIO SEO you are constantly being pushed into installing Monster Insights, and also about upgrading.

Unfortunately, over the years AIO SEO has become very "glitchy" and a LOT of problems caused on websites is typically a conflict between a theme, plugin, etc. with the AIO SEO plugin.

This is why Kyle decided to remove this as a pre-installed plugin and replace it with SEO Framework.

You won't have these "glitch" and "breaking your site" issues with SEO Framework, Yoast, or Rank Math.

So, YES, delete the AIO SEO plugin.

The only real difference it will make is that any articles that you used the AIO SEO plugin to "do your SEO stuff with" will now show as not being SEO'd (for want of a better word).

However, in truth, this really doesn't make that much of a difference.

SEO plugins are more for guidance, they don't actually "do anything".

I know many people feel that an SEO plugin possesses "magical powers" and it will catapault them to the top of the rankings...


An SEO plugin is actually nothing more than a writing template.

So, if you see your older articles, with which you used the AIO SEO plugin saying they "don't have SEO data" you can ignore this.

Remember, you haven't changed the article in any way, it is still exactly the same article as before, so removing the AIO SEO plugin won't make any difference.

As for "breaking your site", this is not really something you should overly worry about as a WA member.

Don't forget that SiteSupport take a backup of ALL your websites every 24 hours.

So, if your website crashes, explodes, breaks into a millions pieces and loses every bit of content you have ever written - Sitesupport can still replace your website exactly, word-for-word from 24 hours earlier.

So, don't worry about that!

Make sense?

Get rid of AIO SEO plugin and maintain your sites with just ONE SEO plugin, the choice of which is entirely YOURS.


Thank you for taking your time to explain this. It is as clear as daylight for a person like me and I think many others who may have a similar issue will gain from this. Thank you ever so much.

AIOSEO helps w/ search engine optimisation. Google Site Kit is different as it helps you track rankings and analytics. So there is no overlap. Monster Insights I think overlaps w/ Site Kit. Also, I think Rankmath overlaps w/ AIOSEO.

Thank you. You guys are helping me understand in layman's terms what exactly my issue is.

Happy to help :)

Hi, what do you need help with?

Their site plugins.

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Please help with my site plugins?

Please help with my site plugins?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Good morning! I may be asking very stupid questions please bear with me. I have two websites that I am working on. I get a little or maybe a lot confused with the plugins. I de

You only need the ONE seo plugin. Having more than one creates a conflict.

However, as a general rule, there shouldn't be an issue if the plugins are well-coded.

I have a website with 45 plugins installed on it, and it runs superbly.

Keep rankmath if you are happy with it, and delete the other
No worries

I have rankmath Pro

Thanks, dear!

You're welcome :)

And wHen needed you can upgrade


On plugin

Hey Sonto,

Yes, you should only ever have ONE SEO plugin installed on each individual website.

WA now automatically installs the SEO Framework on all new WA-hosted websites.

Other popular SEO plugins are:

Rank Math

WA used to automatically pre-install the All-in-One SEO plugin, but this became a liability over the years.

Firstly, you must remember that ALL plugins are created by a business person//entrepreneur.

So, even though most standard plugins have a free option, the aim of any business person is to Make Money.

Therefore, you'll often see messages to "upgrade", etc.

However, with AIO SEO you are constantly being pushed into installing Monster Insights, and also about upgrading.

Unfortunately, over the years AIO SEO has become very "glitchy" and a LOT of problems caused on websites is typically a conflict between a theme, plugin, etc. with the AIO SEO plugin.

This is why Kyle decided to remove this as a pre-installed plugin and replace it with SEO Framework.

You won't have these "glitch" and "breaking your site" issues with SEO Framework, Yoast, or Rank Math.

So, YES, delete the AIO SEO plugin.

The only real difference it will make is that any articles that you used the AIO SEO plugin to "do your SEO stuff with" will now show as not being SEO'd (for want of a better word).

However, in truth, this really doesn't make that much of a difference.

SEO plugins are more for guidance, they don't actually "do anything".

I know many people feel that an SEO plugin possesses "magical powers" and it will catapault them to the top of the rankings...


An SEO plugin is actually nothing more than a writing template.

So, if you see your older articles, with which you used the AIO SEO plugin saying they "don't have SEO data" you can ignore this.

Remember, you haven't changed the article in any way, it is still exactly the same article as before, so removing the AIO SEO plugin won't make any difference.

As for "breaking your site", this is not really something you should overly worry about as a WA member.

Don't forget that SiteSupport take a backup of ALL your websites every 24 hours.

So, if your website crashes, explodes, breaks into a millions pieces and loses every bit of content you have ever written - Sitesupport can still replace your website exactly, word-for-word from 24 hours earlier.

So, don't worry about that!

Make sense?

Get rid of AIO SEO plugin and maintain your sites with just ONE SEO plugin, the choice of which is entirely YOURS.


Thank you for taking your time to explain this. It is as clear as daylight for a person like me and I think many others who may have a similar issue will gain from this. Thank you ever so much.

AIOSEO helps w/ search engine optimisation. Google Site Kit is different as it helps you track rankings and analytics. So there is no overlap. Monster Insights I think overlaps w/ Site Kit. Also, I think Rankmath overlaps w/ AIOSEO.

Thank you. You guys are helping me understand in layman's terms what exactly my issue is.

Happy to help :)

Hi, what do you need help with?

Their site plugins.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is it necessary to insert an FAQ plugin, if yes which plugin is the best?

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Hi friends! two questions. faq plugins?

Hi friends! two questions. faq plugins?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is it necessary to insert an FAQ plugin, if yes which plugin is the best?

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