Tall Poppy Syndrome - Are You Cutting Someone Down?

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{Picture of tall poppy flower}

Hello my fellow Entrepreneurs,

There is an old saying and it goes like this.

"The Tall Poppy Syndrome''

It is a human phenomenon whereby the person will do everything to cut down a person they see as successful.

That includes not helping that person or obstructing their further success.

Unfortunately this is a Real time Problem in my opinion.

It was first shared to me when I was a child around the age of 8 by my Mother Eileen.

My mum Eileen said " There will be people that will have the Tall Poppy Syndrome against you" and she further said " Do not Care about this, keep producing"

So I say to all the struggling Entrepreneurs out there! That face people with "Tall Poppy Syndrome"


You are Doing Great.

Kind regards

Erica ~ The jewelry designer producing heirlooms for future generations!

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Thank You, Erica. :)

You are welcome JD, thanks for your comments and thoughts :)


It’s very sad that there are plenty of these sorts of folks around. It’s best to avoid them whenever possible. I always believe that lifting others up is the best way to be. I’d never heard that expression but it certainly is fitting. Thanks for sharing, Erica!


Thanks very much Susan for your thoughts and comments, I appreciate it.
You are always lifting people up here in WA!

Kind regards

Thanks so much, Erika for your kind words. Have a super day! 😊

You have an awesome day too 😊

Unfortunately Erica, there will always be those who take great joy in "trying to cut down the tall poppies"...

Basically, these people just want to see what it is like to feel superior, but actually have nothing going for them in life..

Best ignored in my experience my friend, so we can concentrate on something else that actually matters!

Enjoy your weekend! :-)

Thanks very much Nick for your thoughts and comments I appreciate the relevance of not letting it disturb the focus of agenda.

You enjoy the weekend also :)

Kind regards

You're most welcome as always my friend and very much appreciated! :-))



The message could not be any more profound.

Hello Mazie, thanks so much for your thoughts and comments, I appreciate the statement.

All the best in your endeavors.

Kind regards

Thank you too for the encouragement. We are meant to lift each other up not put them down.

Yes for sure we are obliged to like you say "lift each other up".

Thanks so much.

That will never be me, Erica! I applaud everyone's success!


Thanks very much Jeff, I appreciate your thoughts and comments here.

I have noticed you applaud achievers, and so many people here in WA do too!

Kind regards

You're very welcome, Erica! The WA community is very supportive!


Absolutely thanks Jeff!

You're very welcome, Erica!


Never knew that this was a term, Erica
I've known those people all my life
It is a full time job for them and they do it with such diligence

From an early age, I've learned never to listen to negativity.
I used to tell myself the opposite whenever someone would say anything negative about me

Thanks very much Simone for your thoughts and comments here.

Yes it is a very old saying. There is more to it in regards to the Poppy's as for growing tall and being cut down, but I do not know the rest of the saying's story.

For sure it is to be resilient to deliberate nastiness, I agree!

Kind regards

We do grow a thick skin in regards to negativity
Then we develop nonchalance

Yes that is true for growing thick skin.

What is nonchalance my friend?

Build up courage I think also!

A state of not caring ;)

Oh I see! Yes not caring is needed :)

Absolutely ;)



There's no gain in pulling others down.
Thanks for the insightful post, Erica.

Thanks very much Muslimah, for your thoughts and comments here.

I agree there is no profit from pulling another person down.

Kind regards

That's not who I am. I miss understood the first part of the training. Now I get it after being a little ways through the training .

That is wonderful Janie, thanks for your thoughts and comments.

All the best.

Kind regards

Hi Erica,
Great post, well done 👏

Slavka 👋

Thanks so much Slavka, I appreciate your thoughts and comments.

All the best

Kind regards

I can never do that, and I don't wish it for anyone. Why? I find no reason. Thank you for sharing.

Hello Abbie,

Thanks so much for your thoughts and comments here.

I wish you all the best!

Kind regards

Erica, you too!

Appreciate the blog post and share.

Thanks very much!

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