100 Dollar Sale - First envision it.
Hello my Fellow Entrepreneurs,
I want to first acknowledge my deepest condolences to all those who strive to thrive.
Onwards and upwards, is a daily battle to win.
There is a lot to be said about mind power, it is a force of intense concentration and focus, building resilience and sheer utter determined dedication.
I have always believed in the
Art of Visualization and using tools like Vision Boards.
My blog was sparked by Mel's post "Be careful what you wish for"!
And by no means is wishing to be undervalued, which is what I was so busy in my head complaining to myself that I almost lost the miracle that just happened to me on this past Sunday.
Last week I had been busy copying and pasting physical pictures of my goals and dreams onto a large white piece of paper. Making my Vision Board
And in the very center I pasted a picture of our Green Australian 100 Dollar note.
I kept looking at this Vision Board for the past week.
And then on Sunday I received an email that my Website had a $100 sale!
Now this is a big deal because my website has not had a sale for over a year.
And I realized something after reading Mel's blog.
I am still not thinking Big enough.
We are our own worst enemy sometimes and we need to get out of our way.
We can get caught up in the cycle of negative thinking all to quick and as Mel quotes "Be careful what you wish for"
So it is back to the Vison Board for me with including a bigger Dollar note.
What we see in our vision is what we get this is so true!
All the best my friends, wishing you all well.
Kind regards
Erica ~ The jewellery designer producing heirlooms for future generations!
Recent Comments
Hey Erica, that's super news!
A big CONGRATS 👏👏👏👏 for that brilliant sale!
Thanks for sharing 👍
That's set me in motion.
I'm going to change my mindset 🤔 and think positive!!!😁
Thanks so much Julia, I appreciate your kind wishes.
Yes it is amazing what a positive mind will do, even we are hardwired for negativity, we must override this with sheer persistent mind shifting.
You can do it Julia :)
Kind regards
Love this! Shows the true power of the law of attraction along with hard work.
Press on, Erica!
Thanks so much Harold, I appreciate the acknowledgement of added hard work, because it is true I have been working too.
Many thanks :)
Kind regards
Congrats on your $100 sale well done. Yes the mind can create many amazing things when we set it right and together with the vision board just add to the strength we create to enhance it more.
Keep on going forward Erica
Andre :)
Thanks so much Andre :)
Yes for sure the mind is a powerful creator, like you say when we set it right,
It is the matter to keep the mind right, with so much influence it is a daily housekeeping.
Enjoy your Thursday :)
Kind regards
Thanks for sharing Erica! I appreciate knowing that what I write sometimes has an impact on others. Thanks again!
Along that line, HowardJaros mentioned his Vision Board he used to have in his comment to me where he had on his vision board a Million Dollar Bill and his business went on to be a Million dollar business.
So I've added a similar image to my Vision Board.
Keep Succeeding!
Thanks so much Mel,
Yes I often get inspired by your blogs thanks.
Yes you triggered a thought in me to print the Billion Dollar note too,
I do believe in Vision Boards for sure Mel :)
Thanks so much for the wishes.
You keep succeeding also.
Kind regards
OK, Mel, you need to correct your graphic so your vision comes to pass! There are 1,000 million dollars in a billion, you are lacking a few zeros on that note :) :) :)
Great goal to have, though... there are so many billionaires in the US alone...
Great observation Paula, thanks,
I doubled checked my one Billion note and it has 9 zeros, unlike Mel's having 8 zeros.
Good call thanks.
Kind regards
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Vision boards are a great tool for our focus. I have one per website in my office and I pin stickers as well as the site map for it so I don't get lost in the maze of info... Onwars and upwards, my friends! Thank you, Erica!!! Can you share the link to your jewelry designs? I'd love to see those :)
Thanks so much Paula, I totally appreciate hearing you have a Vison Board for each website, that is a great idea :)
My website links are in my profile, thanks for asking :)
Wishing you a great adventure ahead.
Kind regards