About Julia39
Rank 88
916 followers Joined July 2019
Hi I am a mum of 3, now amazing adults. I have been in Education for about 20 years now. Trained as a Graphic designer back





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Apparently I need to connect to a broken link checker, which would improve my seo.
I don't have any idea what this means.
Here is a screenshot, and not sure what I have

Hi Julia

I use the free Ahrefs broken link checker, which I run once a month.


Hi Frank, I did check ahrefs, and it showed no broken links to my site.
Is that it, do I check regularly, and if something shows up how do I fix it? Isn't there anything that does it for you?

That's a great resource here, thanks Frank! πŸ™


Hi Julia

I use Ahrefs to check my site every month. It tells you where to find the broken link so you can fix it. 😎

Frank 🎸

You’re welcome, Abie! One less plugin, right? Lol 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

That's not necessarily true if the plugins are clean-coded.


Hi Abie

In my experience, the less plugins, the better. They are can slow down a site, create problems with themes & other plugins, and harbor security & privacy vulnerabilities.

I had a bot hack into my site over a year ago through a vulnerability in an updated β€œclean-coded” plugin.

The hack installed an indexing plugin that sent thousands of casino-related URLs for my guitar site to Google that appeared as a variety of errors in GSC.

Frank 🎸

Wow Frank how crazy was that! It is also a concern regarding updating plugins, as I always get an alert to backup my site before I do any updating incase plugins contradict or clash with each other!

I'm sorry this happened to you, Frank. However, I still stand by my statement.

I know a site that has 51 plugins installed and running great :)

You can have advanced security plugins installed to safeguard against vulnerabilities and hacks.


It’s something to definitely be vigilant about, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

Hi Abie

During that hack I had WordFence running and hardened it by meticulously configuring it to my WordPress setup.

Just be aware that every time you make any system more complex you automatically make it more susceptible to failure and vulnerabilities.

The simpler the better in all things, whenever possible. 😎

Frank 🎸

I remember that incident.

I also agree with the principle of keeping it simple.

Thank you, Frank!


I hope your weekend was wonderful, Abie. Enjoy the rest of the evening! 😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you, Frank! It was great.

The new week has started, LOL. But the bots are ongoing.

Enjoy yours! :)

(Cluade Opus reckons: As a general guideline, using no more than 20-30 plugins on a WordPress website is recommended.)


Have a fantastic week, Abie! 😎

Frank 🎸

You too, Frank!

I hope you have a perfect Monday!


Same to you, Abie! 😎

Going sailing later this afternoon with a friend if the weather remains nice.

Frank 🎸

Beautiful. I miss the Cote D'azur sails into Corsica and the south of France (We docked in Bonifacio). I had extraordinary times there, with Monaco on a short visit.

Perfect plan for a perfect Monday! Enjoy your sailing, Frank!


That sounds astounding, Abie! πŸ˜ƒ

Just going to our local marina for some seafood, a beer, and a little sailing to Newport and back. I'm not a sailor, but the guy who owns the boat does all the heavy lifting. We just enjoy the ride. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

They're the skipper, which is fantastic. 😎

You guys enjoy the ride... I am sure it will be great. If you have a fishing rod, you may take that along with some toys to float in the ocean. You never know what you'll catch, lol!


We had a great time, Abie! There were fishing rods on the boat but we just chilled.

The sailboat used to belong to my medical school professor of experimental surgery and I went sailing with him and his wife now and again.

We also had a band together. He played bass guitar and his son played drums.

He moved to Florida and gave the sailboat to his son so he could buy a bigger one.

He used to come to see me as my patient twice a year.

Now we’re both retired, well - I’m 80% retired.

I got to see him and his son again today and it was just like old times! Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

That's really amazing, Frank!.. Networking and relationships grow a long way...

We are building new ones in the land of the European Union. Here, people are laid-back and enjoy life.

Plus, many festivals take place in town, giving you chances to meet the locals and learn about their cultures. (I also write about this in my blogs.) - Local cuisine, festivals, etc.

Just lately, I have learning new fishing techniques growing skills in the reel real fishing arena, lol

I am happy for you guys :)


That's outstanding, Abie!

I lived in Florence and Rome for almost four years in the late 1970s. I took total advantage of immersing myself into the Italian culture and visited as many of the small towns as possible to learn about their local culture, food, and traditions!

I even found my relatives in a section of Naples that was so small it wasn't even on a map!

When I returned to the States, I realized how focused Americans were on putting money ahead of all the finer things in life that money can't buy.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, I am glad I have opened an opportunity for you and Abie to share, correspond and reminice about your experiences, it makes a good read! lol

Haha, thanks Julia! 😎

Thank you, Julia! That's awesomness. Kindly!


I think the best way to really immerse yourself in a culture is to go to their country and spend time with them there. Become one of them, talk, and use hand signals like them. While this process takes time, it is really about enjoying the journey rather than rushing to reach a destination.

Yeah, there are different stages to life; you need to choose what is right for you given your position, where you are heading, etc.

For me, I never look at outer shells, as with time they fade away. What's within your heart and mind is what stays!


Yeah, that’s exactly what I did, Abie. I learned to speak Italian and had a fabulous time! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

Wow, that's really cool, Frank!

I am superbly happy for you.


Thanks, Abie!

I was a Brown University exchange student, living in Florence and doing research at the University of Pisa in artificial lung as part of my master's degree in biomedical engineering. I took the train back and forth to the university.

At the time, they had one of the most advanced programs in artificial internal organs in the world. I published and presented that research at ASAIO (American Society of Artificial Internal Organs).

My actual master's thesis was on the artificial pancreas. I invited a renowned diabetologist from Paris to come to Brown on a one-year sabbatical with his family. He and I developed a new method to harvest neonatal rat pancreatic islet cells and grow them onto the hollow fiber units of the hybrid artificial pancreas I was developing.

Jean Jaques and I became great friends, and I still see him. He is retired from practicing clinical medicine and teaches at the medical school in Paris a few days a week.

Great times, for sure! πŸ˜ƒ

Frank 🎸

That's an inspiring story, Frank! It has led to discoveries and growth, both personal and professional. You also got to know Italy and learned the language, which opened up many opportunities.

Relationships like these last a lifetime. I am incredibly happy for both of you.


Yeah, it was one of the many great times in my life, Abie!

I’ve been truly blessed in so many ways! πŸ™

I try to give back whenever possible. 😎

Frank 🎸

I do not let it auto update, I do it manually.

It alers you when you have a broken link on your site. I have the Broken Link Checker Plugin.
It pops up in the back office dashboard so I can go ahead and fix it. Dose that make sense ?

Hi Kerri, but how would you fix it?
Would it mean adding the link again, or another link to page, post, video or affiliate link?

Hi, it shows up on the dashboard, so you can check it and decide. It tells you where it is, and you can click the post right there ~ to edit it, unlink, not broken, dismiss, or recheck. It's very easy to use, and you can use it from the dashboard. This is a free plugin, and it is always there, which is also nice, so I don't forget to run it :-)

You can attach commenting here with a screenshot :)


Here's one



Thanks Abie, it's yet another plugin and I am trying to cut back on how many I download.
Is the one Frank mentions Ahrefs, just as good, does it do the same thing as the one you recommend?
This is new to me, so sorry for the vagueness.

As long as they are clean-coded, you can add as many as you like

- You may check reviews and ratings, user reviews, etc.
- How many active installations?
- Are the plugins regularly getting updated?
- Are they compatible with other plugins or themes?
- What about the Developer's Reputation?
- Also, support and docs, Code reviews, performance impact, and security.

I have not used Frank's suggestion yet.

No problem :)


Thanks Abie, I thought too many may slow your site down in loading up.

That's not necessarily true if the plugins are clean-coded.


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What is broken link checker?

What is broken link checker?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Apparently I need to connect to a broken link checker, which would improve my seo.
I don't have any idea what this means.
Here is a screenshot, and not sure what I have

Hi Julia

I use the free Ahrefs broken link checker, which I run once a month.


Hi Frank, I did check ahrefs, and it showed no broken links to my site.
Is that it, do I check regularly, and if something shows up how do I fix it? Isn't there anything that does it for you?

That's a great resource here, thanks Frank! πŸ™


Hi Julia

I use Ahrefs to check my site every month. It tells you where to find the broken link so you can fix it. 😎

Frank 🎸

You’re welcome, Abie! One less plugin, right? Lol 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

That's not necessarily true if the plugins are clean-coded.


Hi Abie

In my experience, the less plugins, the better. They are can slow down a site, create problems with themes & other plugins, and harbor security & privacy vulnerabilities.

I had a bot hack into my site over a year ago through a vulnerability in an updated β€œclean-coded” plugin.

The hack installed an indexing plugin that sent thousands of casino-related URLs for my guitar site to Google that appeared as a variety of errors in GSC.

Frank 🎸

Wow Frank how crazy was that! It is also a concern regarding updating plugins, as I always get an alert to backup my site before I do any updating incase plugins contradict or clash with each other!

I'm sorry this happened to you, Frank. However, I still stand by my statement.

I know a site that has 51 plugins installed and running great :)

You can have advanced security plugins installed to safeguard against vulnerabilities and hacks.


It’s something to definitely be vigilant about, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

Hi Abie

During that hack I had WordFence running and hardened it by meticulously configuring it to my WordPress setup.

Just be aware that every time you make any system more complex you automatically make it more susceptible to failure and vulnerabilities.

The simpler the better in all things, whenever possible. 😎

Frank 🎸

I remember that incident.

I also agree with the principle of keeping it simple.

Thank you, Frank!


I hope your weekend was wonderful, Abie. Enjoy the rest of the evening! 😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you, Frank! It was great.

The new week has started, LOL. But the bots are ongoing.

Enjoy yours! :)

(Cluade Opus reckons: As a general guideline, using no more than 20-30 plugins on a WordPress website is recommended.)


Have a fantastic week, Abie! 😎

Frank 🎸

You too, Frank!

I hope you have a perfect Monday!


Same to you, Abie! 😎

Going sailing later this afternoon with a friend if the weather remains nice.

Frank 🎸

Beautiful. I miss the Cote D'azur sails into Corsica and the south of France (We docked in Bonifacio). I had extraordinary times there, with Monaco on a short visit.

Perfect plan for a perfect Monday! Enjoy your sailing, Frank!


That sounds astounding, Abie! πŸ˜ƒ

Just going to our local marina for some seafood, a beer, and a little sailing to Newport and back. I'm not a sailor, but the guy who owns the boat does all the heavy lifting. We just enjoy the ride. Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

They're the skipper, which is fantastic. 😎

You guys enjoy the ride... I am sure it will be great. If you have a fishing rod, you may take that along with some toys to float in the ocean. You never know what you'll catch, lol!


We had a great time, Abie! There were fishing rods on the boat but we just chilled.

The sailboat used to belong to my medical school professor of experimental surgery and I went sailing with him and his wife now and again.

We also had a band together. He played bass guitar and his son played drums.

He moved to Florida and gave the sailboat to his son so he could buy a bigger one.

He used to come to see me as my patient twice a year.

Now we’re both retired, well - I’m 80% retired.

I got to see him and his son again today and it was just like old times! Lol 😎

Frank 🎸

That's really amazing, Frank!.. Networking and relationships grow a long way...

We are building new ones in the land of the European Union. Here, people are laid-back and enjoy life.

Plus, many festivals take place in town, giving you chances to meet the locals and learn about their cultures. (I also write about this in my blogs.) - Local cuisine, festivals, etc.

Just lately, I have learning new fishing techniques growing skills in the reel real fishing arena, lol

I am happy for you guys :)


That's outstanding, Abie!

I lived in Florence and Rome for almost four years in the late 1970s. I took total advantage of immersing myself into the Italian culture and visited as many of the small towns as possible to learn about their local culture, food, and traditions!

I even found my relatives in a section of Naples that was so small it wasn't even on a map!

When I returned to the States, I realized how focused Americans were on putting money ahead of all the finer things in life that money can't buy.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, I am glad I have opened an opportunity for you and Abie to share, correspond and reminice about your experiences, it makes a good read! lol

Haha, thanks Julia! 😎

Thank you, Julia! That's awesomness. Kindly!


I think the best way to really immerse yourself in a culture is to go to their country and spend time with them there. Become one of them, talk, and use hand signals like them. While this process takes time, it is really about enjoying the journey rather than rushing to reach a destination.

Yeah, there are different stages to life; you need to choose what is right for you given your position, where you are heading, etc.

For me, I never look at outer shells, as with time they fade away. What's within your heart and mind is what stays!


Yeah, that’s exactly what I did, Abie. I learned to speak Italian and had a fabulous time! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🎸

Wow, that's really cool, Frank!

I am superbly happy for you.


Thanks, Abie!

I was a Brown University exchange student, living in Florence and doing research at the University of Pisa in artificial lung as part of my master's degree in biomedical engineering. I took the train back and forth to the university.

At the time, they had one of the most advanced programs in artificial internal organs in the world. I published and presented that research at ASAIO (American Society of Artificial Internal Organs).

My actual master's thesis was on the artificial pancreas. I invited a renowned diabetologist from Paris to come to Brown on a one-year sabbatical with his family. He and I developed a new method to harvest neonatal rat pancreatic islet cells and grow them onto the hollow fiber units of the hybrid artificial pancreas I was developing.

Jean Jaques and I became great friends, and I still see him. He is retired from practicing clinical medicine and teaches at the medical school in Paris a few days a week.

Great times, for sure! πŸ˜ƒ

Frank 🎸

That's an inspiring story, Frank! It has led to discoveries and growth, both personal and professional. You also got to know Italy and learned the language, which opened up many opportunities.

Relationships like these last a lifetime. I am incredibly happy for both of you.


Yeah, it was one of the many great times in my life, Abie!

I’ve been truly blessed in so many ways! πŸ™

I try to give back whenever possible. 😎

Frank 🎸

I do not let it auto update, I do it manually.

It alers you when you have a broken link on your site. I have the Broken Link Checker Plugin.
It pops up in the back office dashboard so I can go ahead and fix it. Dose that make sense ?

Hi Kerri, but how would you fix it?
Would it mean adding the link again, or another link to page, post, video or affiliate link?

Hi, it shows up on the dashboard, so you can check it and decide. It tells you where it is, and you can click the post right there ~ to edit it, unlink, not broken, dismiss, or recheck. It's very easy to use, and you can use it from the dashboard. This is a free plugin, and it is always there, which is also nice, so I don't forget to run it :-)

You can attach commenting here with a screenshot :)


Here's one



Thanks Abie, it's yet another plugin and I am trying to cut back on how many I download.
Is the one Frank mentions Ahrefs, just as good, does it do the same thing as the one you recommend?
This is new to me, so sorry for the vagueness.

As long as they are clean-coded, you can add as many as you like

- You may check reviews and ratings, user reviews, etc.
- How many active installations?
- Are the plugins regularly getting updated?
- Are they compatible with other plugins or themes?
- What about the Developer's Reputation?
- Also, support and docs, Code reviews, performance impact, and security.

I have not used Frank's suggestion yet.

No problem :)


Thanks Abie, I thought too many may slow your site down in loading up.

That's not necessarily true if the plugins are clean-coded.


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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, I want to work on the navigation bar and looking to add a mega image menu.
I need to change header and footer to make it easier for visitors to access different post an

Howdy! Need more help?

Between Frank and The AbiePPlus, you are covered here, if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.


Can you clarify? I am not sure I understand.

The Blocksy premium theme does that (mega menus, Headers,, and Footers) within and with simplicity without adding plugins or code.



Thanks Abie it's the first I've heard of blockys! I will look into it.
I did add Elementkit plugin and was looking at Max mega menu, as a possible.
My aim is to have on nav. bar:
from menu, categories, then occassions and opens up with a series of images/icons that would link to that post.
So I have to see if there is a template that can offer this kind of breakdown without any short codes.

Blocksy premium does :) I use it.

Abie, out of interest, if I add Blockys theme, as new will it delete my current homepage theme that I have?

It will replace it; I suggest you ask the site support for a staging website first so you can test out on that first before you try on your main - That's safe.

I'm not looking to change or replace the theme.
Thanks for your suggestions πŸ‘

Np Julia! I appreciate the update :)

I’m as dumbfounded as you are, Julia! I keep going back to the training on everything. Hope you work it out and WHEN you do post the answer for the rest of us!
Barbara Hickman

Haha will do lol

Hi Julia

You can duplicate your static homepage, make your changes, and preview it without publishing it until you're ready.

I would not recommend making the page "too busy" or complex. You may confuse your visitors, and the page could have some loading speed issues.

Frank 🎸

Ok good points, thanks Frank.

You're welcome, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

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Can I do a dummy page to improve the navigation bar?

Can I do a dummy page to improve the navigation bar?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, I want to work on the navigation bar and looking to add a mega image menu.
I need to change header and footer to make it easier for visitors to access different post an

Howdy! Need more help?

Between Frank and The AbiePPlus, you are covered here, if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out.


Can you clarify? I am not sure I understand.

The Blocksy premium theme does that (mega menus, Headers,, and Footers) within and with simplicity without adding plugins or code.



Thanks Abie it's the first I've heard of blockys! I will look into it.
I did add Elementkit plugin and was looking at Max mega menu, as a possible.
My aim is to have on nav. bar:
from menu, categories, then occassions and opens up with a series of images/icons that would link to that post.
So I have to see if there is a template that can offer this kind of breakdown without any short codes.

Blocksy premium does :) I use it.

Abie, out of interest, if I add Blockys theme, as new will it delete my current homepage theme that I have?

It will replace it; I suggest you ask the site support for a staging website first so you can test out on that first before you try on your main - That's safe.

I'm not looking to change or replace the theme.
Thanks for your suggestions πŸ‘

Np Julia! I appreciate the update :)

I’m as dumbfounded as you are, Julia! I keep going back to the training on everything. Hope you work it out and WHEN you do post the answer for the rest of us!
Barbara Hickman

Haha will do lol

Hi Julia

You can duplicate your static homepage, make your changes, and preview it without publishing it until you're ready.

I would not recommend making the page "too busy" or complex. You may confuse your visitors, and the page could have some loading speed issues.

Frank 🎸

Ok good points, thanks Frank.

You're welcome, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

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asked in
Getting Started

Hi, having composed an AI content ouline for a new post via Hubs, I would screenshop outline on smartphone and go open up a new post, and work from my smartphone to write artic

It's kinda surprising to me to read of all the extra steps people take to publish a hubs article when it's already directly connected to their Wordpress back office post editor. If you're running elementor, it's a little more understandable, although instead of taking a screenshot, just open a new window so it's all right in front of you on your machine. πŸ‘πŸΌ

For me, when I create an AI outline, I'll then choose my AI author, have it write the article, then I polish the AI content right from inside WA, adding my voice and making it my own, then I'll hit publish, go directly into the WP post editor from my hub, add my images, my CTAs, etc., and I'm done. There's really no need for copying and pasting or transferring since it's all connected, but everyone's a creature of habit and has their own ways I guess 😎

Essentially Julia, this is what I do. Open the published article and immediately make it revert to draft. Then I make a duplicate article of a published post with my formatting and blocks, in my case Kadence, and literally copy and paste.

However, I am hoping someone will come up with a quicker solution

Any approach similar to what Abie suggested would most likely work, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank, it seems I am on the right track, I just thought there was an even more easier way to do this! lol

Yeah, when you are satisfied with it, paste the info into a text block, and you're good to go. 😎

I highlight all of them and paste them into a docx in Google. I also do the same for what the AI produces; then I have a copy. I edit in my own time to whichever editor I am using.

I usually plain paste in Grammarly, then plain paste in the block editor after having added the content to GPT to get a better-formatted post .

That's basically what I do Abie, great so I just continue in the same way!
Thanks for the clarification.

You are most welcome, Julia! And good to see you :)

Appreciate the gesture, have a good weekend!

No problem at all, Julia! You have yourself a fabulous weekend.

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How can I use content outline from hubs and transfer it?

How can I use content outline from hubs and transfer it?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi, having composed an AI content ouline for a new post via Hubs, I would screenshop outline on smartphone and go open up a new post, and work from my smartphone to write artic

It's kinda surprising to me to read of all the extra steps people take to publish a hubs article when it's already directly connected to their Wordpress back office post editor. If you're running elementor, it's a little more understandable, although instead of taking a screenshot, just open a new window so it's all right in front of you on your machine. πŸ‘πŸΌ

For me, when I create an AI outline, I'll then choose my AI author, have it write the article, then I polish the AI content right from inside WA, adding my voice and making it my own, then I'll hit publish, go directly into the WP post editor from my hub, add my images, my CTAs, etc., and I'm done. There's really no need for copying and pasting or transferring since it's all connected, but everyone's a creature of habit and has their own ways I guess 😎

Essentially Julia, this is what I do. Open the published article and immediately make it revert to draft. Then I make a duplicate article of a published post with my formatting and blocks, in my case Kadence, and literally copy and paste.

However, I am hoping someone will come up with a quicker solution

Any approach similar to what Abie suggested would most likely work, Julia. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank, it seems I am on the right track, I just thought there was an even more easier way to do this! lol

Yeah, when you are satisfied with it, paste the info into a text block, and you're good to go. 😎

I highlight all of them and paste them into a docx in Google. I also do the same for what the AI produces; then I have a copy. I edit in my own time to whichever editor I am using.

I usually plain paste in Grammarly, then plain paste in the block editor after having added the content to GPT to get a better-formatted post .

That's basically what I do Abie, great so I just continue in the same way!
Thanks for the clarification.

You are most welcome, Julia! And good to see you :)

Appreciate the gesture, have a good weekend!

No problem at all, Julia! You have yourself a fabulous weekend.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

To use Google analytics/console, I have to verify my website, and it's not been recognized.
I think there is training on this.
Now I am having problems loging into Googl

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance; Julia, thank you :)

Site Kit by Kyle Jays

I do it from the WordPress back office. I have a tab "Site Kit" at the top. There should also be a tab on the left side that has a G Site Kit located under Dashboard.
You can search using the magnifying glass / or the classes tab for training. I leave a link if i find it.

Thanks Digger, I'll try that.

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for or not, but Jay does an excellent explanation here: Eric Cantu also has some excellent posts on how to do different things, including verification, on his blog:


Also, I log in through my Google Site Kit through my website and then go to the console there.


Thanks Nancy failing, SiteKit, I'll try your link.

Are you setting it up through Google Site Kit? This process should be automated through the plugin, and this is covered within the training.

Here is the training on how to do this: If you have any further questions, let us know.

Cool, I managed to get in through Sit Kit.
But I will check out links anyways as a reminder. Thanks Kyle for πŸ‘

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How do I verify my website?

How do I verify my website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

To use Google analytics/console, I have to verify my website, and it's not been recognized.
I think there is training on this.
Now I am having problems loging into Googl

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance; Julia, thank you :)

Site Kit by Kyle Jays

I do it from the WordPress back office. I have a tab "Site Kit" at the top. There should also be a tab on the left side that has a G Site Kit located under Dashboard.
You can search using the magnifying glass / or the classes tab for training. I leave a link if i find it.

Thanks Digger, I'll try that.

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for or not, but Jay does an excellent explanation here: Eric Cantu also has some excellent posts on how to do different things, including verification, on his blog:


Also, I log in through my Google Site Kit through my website and then go to the console there.


Thanks Nancy failing, SiteKit, I'll try your link.

Are you setting it up through Google Site Kit? This process should be automated through the plugin, and this is covered within the training.

Here is the training on how to do this: If you have any further questions, let us know.

Cool, I managed to get in through Sit Kit.
But I will check out links anyways as a reminder. Thanks Kyle for πŸ‘

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

It's been bugging me everytime I go to dashboard, I feel it's taking over my site and can't control it!
Has anyone gone for this installation?
I do not have an email list

I agree with Kyle here, Julia :) Please let us know if you require additional assistance.

No, you don't need this. If you are going to be building a list, you first want a stable source of traffic and when you are ready for that, you will know. I recommend getting at least 100 unique visitors per day before you worry too much about building a list. ;)

Great Kyle, in the meanwhile, how do I undo what I half heartedly installed?
Amongst my plugins, I have OptinMonster, should I delete it, then it would solve this issue?

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What's optinmonster about and should I be interested?

What's optinmonster about and should I be interested?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

It's been bugging me everytime I go to dashboard, I feel it's taking over my site and can't control it!
Has anyone gone for this installation?
I do not have an email list

I agree with Kyle here, Julia :) Please let us know if you require additional assistance.

No, you don't need this. If you are going to be building a list, you first want a stable source of traffic and when you are ready for that, you will know. I recommend getting at least 100 unique visitors per day before you worry too much about building a list. ;)

Great Kyle, in the meanwhile, how do I undo what I half heartedly installed?
Amongst my plugins, I have OptinMonster, should I delete it, then it would solve this issue?

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