About Shobhali
Rank 10563
106 followers Joined July 2022
I've begun thinking about creating a "business" only in the last year or so. Haven't found much success yet. What I do know is that





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asked in
Getting Started

So my GA4 analytics detected a sudden drop in site visitors in the last few days. The drop was so drastic that it was an anomaly alert. Does anyone else have any expe

I have not noticed, but is your code still in place? I am also not aware if there's an update.

Yes, those pieces are there which is why it's still picking up data.

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Why did ga4 detect an anomaly?

Why did ga4 detect an anomaly?

asked in
Getting Started

So my GA4 analytics detected a sudden drop in site visitors in the last few days. The drop was so drastic that it was an anomaly alert. Does anyone else have any expe

I have not noticed, but is your code still in place? I am also not aware if there's an update.

Yes, those pieces are there which is why it's still picking up data.

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asked in
Getting Started

Are any people in the house who use Adsterra? How's your experience with them been? Are there ads website content relevant? Or are there better alternatives for begin

Sorry, I do not use the tool.


Hi - It's typical with an ad network that your ads may not necessarily be relevant to your niche content.

They track what your visitors have been searching for recently and present ads relevant to those searches.

Each visitor will see something different.

For example, if I have recently been searching for a cruise vacation, then when I go to your site, I will see ads for cruises, even though that has nothing to do with your content.

I have recently begun using Monumetric ads, but they do require a minimum of 10,000 page views per month.

But they are exactly the same; none of the ads match my content; it's just how it works.

Hmmm...so that's the give and take with ads, huh?
Is it worth it (besides finances), according to you, Diane?

Well, the ads can clutter up your site, and until you are getting a lot of traffic, it may not be worth your while.

For example, the Monumetric site currently gets 14,500 page views per month and is currently earning no more than $2.50 per day.

However, the first month's figures are not a true representation, as the engineers are experimenting with the ads, so I do expect that number to rise within the coming months.

This is very helpful -- thank you, Diane!

Conducting some research, I've found that Adsterra is a dependable and effective ad network that provides a variety of ad formats, including pop-under, display, and video ads, with high fill rates and competitive payouts. However, for those new to the world of ad networks, Google AdSense, Media(.)net, and PropellerAds might be more appropriate options. Researching and comparing different ad networks is essential to determine which aligns best with your goals and requirements. I hope this helps.

Thanks, Abie.
I'm actually looking for personal experience of people here who may have used any of these/ other networks, and how they find the relevancy of ads placed.

Never heard of it, unfortunately.

Do they have a blog, docs or support, you may want to read on.

Yup, have read all that. But I find their ads not relevant to my content -- and so wanted to know others' experience with it.
Do you have experience with any other ads based services, Abie - any you recommend based on your experience with them?

I would check with Partha to get a comprehensive response, as he has more knowledge of this and can help.

I know that Mediavine and AdThrive are great networks.

Alright, thank you.

No problem, I hope you get it resolved sooner :)

Thank you :)

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Anyone with experience with adsterra?

Anyone with experience with adsterra?

asked in
Getting Started

Are any people in the house who use Adsterra? How's your experience with them been? Are there ads website content relevant? Or are there better alternatives for begin

Sorry, I do not use the tool.


Hi - It's typical with an ad network that your ads may not necessarily be relevant to your niche content.

They track what your visitors have been searching for recently and present ads relevant to those searches.

Each visitor will see something different.

For example, if I have recently been searching for a cruise vacation, then when I go to your site, I will see ads for cruises, even though that has nothing to do with your content.

I have recently begun using Monumetric ads, but they do require a minimum of 10,000 page views per month.

But they are exactly the same; none of the ads match my content; it's just how it works.

Hmmm...so that's the give and take with ads, huh?
Is it worth it (besides finances), according to you, Diane?

Well, the ads can clutter up your site, and until you are getting a lot of traffic, it may not be worth your while.

For example, the Monumetric site currently gets 14,500 page views per month and is currently earning no more than $2.50 per day.

However, the first month's figures are not a true representation, as the engineers are experimenting with the ads, so I do expect that number to rise within the coming months.

This is very helpful -- thank you, Diane!

Conducting some research, I've found that Adsterra is a dependable and effective ad network that provides a variety of ad formats, including pop-under, display, and video ads, with high fill rates and competitive payouts. However, for those new to the world of ad networks, Google AdSense, Media(.)net, and PropellerAds might be more appropriate options. Researching and comparing different ad networks is essential to determine which aligns best with your goals and requirements. I hope this helps.

Thanks, Abie.
I'm actually looking for personal experience of people here who may have used any of these/ other networks, and how they find the relevancy of ads placed.

Never heard of it, unfortunately.

Do they have a blog, docs or support, you may want to read on.

Yup, have read all that. But I find their ads not relevant to my content -- and so wanted to know others' experience with it.
Do you have experience with any other ads based services, Abie - any you recommend based on your experience with them?

I would check with Partha to get a comprehensive response, as he has more knowledge of this and can help.

I know that Mediavine and AdThrive are great networks.

Alright, thank you.

No problem, I hope you get it resolved sooner :)

Thank you :)

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asked in
Getting Started

This question's been on my mind for a while now, & I feel a little not-so-smart asking it but here I am, telling myself no question's stupid!

Question: Is there any

You can use either or a third party - Totally your choice and what suffices for you.

Hi, Shobhali

I write everything for my website in the block editor. I have custom templates that I created in GenerateBlocks Pro and use as local patterns, which make my workflow more organized and much quicker.

Most of my images are created in Canva Pro, and I use the Grammarly Pro desktop app, but the free version also works fine.

Frank 🎸

I pretty much do the exact same thing, Frank, just without any pro versions for now! Thank you for chiming in :)

That's great! Give GenerateBlocks a try if you're not already using it. It's an excellent lightweight page builder. 😎

Frank 🎸

Will do!

I usually do all of the posting on my website in Wordpress using the block editor! If you use Site content, once it is transferred to your site, all edited afterwards have to be done in Wordpress anyway!


Yup, true that!


the only advantage for me is the non-copyrighted pictures on site content, all in one place is handy, but I just save them on my desktop and resize them elsewhere, as they are always too big anyway.
Also, as I use the block editor in WP and reusable blocks, this saves me more time than using WA, because you would need to do those all over again as well.
And indeed, just use Grammarly and the word count is in WP as well.

Exactly -- that's what I found cumbersome - to redo it all over again!

Hi - the only benefits are the spelling and grammar checker and the word count stats.

So, no, if you don't need those, then carry on!

Yup, I use Grammarly for that. Thanks, Diane!

I agree with Diane, especially since Site Content transfers your written content in classic instead of blocs.

If it's any help, I have around 30 websites, half of them hosted here on WA and never use Site Content.

That's super simple and super helpful, Phil!
Thank you! This is all I wanted to know -- someone with experience in this space & what they gotta say!

My take is that Site Content is there to provide a simple introduction to creating a post or page to those who might be otherwise overwhelmed.

Ah, that makes sense!

But once you graduate to familiarity with WordPress's features, you leave Site Content behind. I see a lot of starter members in trouble because they don't understand that once Site Content has been uploaded and published to their site, future edits MUST be done directly in WordPress.

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Resolved: am I missing something?

Resolved: am I missing something?

asked in
Getting Started

This question's been on my mind for a while now, & I feel a little not-so-smart asking it but here I am, telling myself no question's stupid!

Question: Is there any

You can use either or a third party - Totally your choice and what suffices for you.

Hi, Shobhali

I write everything for my website in the block editor. I have custom templates that I created in GenerateBlocks Pro and use as local patterns, which make my workflow more organized and much quicker.

Most of my images are created in Canva Pro, and I use the Grammarly Pro desktop app, but the free version also works fine.

Frank 🎸

I pretty much do the exact same thing, Frank, just without any pro versions for now! Thank you for chiming in :)

That's great! Give GenerateBlocks a try if you're not already using it. It's an excellent lightweight page builder. 😎

Frank 🎸

Will do!

I usually do all of the posting on my website in Wordpress using the block editor! If you use Site content, once it is transferred to your site, all edited afterwards have to be done in Wordpress anyway!


Yup, true that!


the only advantage for me is the non-copyrighted pictures on site content, all in one place is handy, but I just save them on my desktop and resize them elsewhere, as they are always too big anyway.
Also, as I use the block editor in WP and reusable blocks, this saves me more time than using WA, because you would need to do those all over again as well.
And indeed, just use Grammarly and the word count is in WP as well.

Exactly -- that's what I found cumbersome - to redo it all over again!

Hi - the only benefits are the spelling and grammar checker and the word count stats.

So, no, if you don't need those, then carry on!

Yup, I use Grammarly for that. Thanks, Diane!

I agree with Diane, especially since Site Content transfers your written content in classic instead of blocs.

If it's any help, I have around 30 websites, half of them hosted here on WA and never use Site Content.

That's super simple and super helpful, Phil!
Thank you! This is all I wanted to know -- someone with experience in this space & what they gotta say!

My take is that Site Content is there to provide a simple introduction to creating a post or page to those who might be otherwise overwhelmed.

Ah, that makes sense!

But once you graduate to familiarity with WordPress's features, you leave Site Content behind. I see a lot of starter members in trouble because they don't understand that once Site Content has been uploaded and published to their site, future edits MUST be done directly in WordPress.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My website is not on product reviews. I was thinking of having a Page that says Resources, and in that have links to different other posts & pages with affiliate lin

Sorry I’m late to the game here, but it certainly looks like you have great suggestions below — I hope you are (were) able to get this issue handled!


Not really -- my question hasn't been fully understood/ answered.
Let's say the affiliate programs are cool with it, does it affect my website if I have too many affiliate links on a single page?
P.S. It seems Amazon doesn't have an issue if I share a bunch of their links on a page of mine!

As long you over clutter it, and the links provide value to the reader, and the affiliate programs your involved with are ok with it — you should be ok.



First and foremost, you want to read up on the small print, I.e., terms, and conditions of affiliation, before you make any changes and if they are allowable. You do not want to void your contract.

Can I do this for Amazon links?

Amazon got very strict rules; I would follow up on their instructions.

Thank you so much I was hoping you would come along lol

Hmmm...okay, I'm glad I put up this question coz I could have never imagined there'd be so many restrictions!

I do have another question though -- let's say the affiliate programs are cool with it, does it affect my website if I have too many affiliate links on a single page?

If you are promoting Wealthy Affiliate I don't believe that is allowed, but I'm sure someone else will chime in here and give you a m ore definitive answer.

No, not WA. Affiliate programs related to my niche.

But let's say, I do want to put in a para/ post stating, "If you wanna start writing your own thoughts, here's a great platform that supports you in the best way, etc, etc," - you're saying this isn't allowed?

I'm really new at this too, honestly, I would say yes you can but if your working with say Amazon or Shopify or etc. You need to make sure it wouldn't violate any of there guidelines.

Again, I'm hoping someone with more knowledge can give you a better answer.

If you're new too, I'll say let's both wait for someone who's been here a while😅
Thank you though - I really appreciate this spirit of helping in this space :)

Can I chime too?

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Affiliate links in a separate page?

Affiliate links in a separate page?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My website is not on product reviews. I was thinking of having a Page that says Resources, and in that have links to different other posts & pages with affiliate lin

Sorry I’m late to the game here, but it certainly looks like you have great suggestions below — I hope you are (were) able to get this issue handled!


Not really -- my question hasn't been fully understood/ answered.
Let's say the affiliate programs are cool with it, does it affect my website if I have too many affiliate links on a single page?
P.S. It seems Amazon doesn't have an issue if I share a bunch of their links on a page of mine!

As long you over clutter it, and the links provide value to the reader, and the affiliate programs your involved with are ok with it — you should be ok.



First and foremost, you want to read up on the small print, I.e., terms, and conditions of affiliation, before you make any changes and if they are allowable. You do not want to void your contract.

Can I do this for Amazon links?

Amazon got very strict rules; I would follow up on their instructions.

Thank you so much I was hoping you would come along lol

Hmmm...okay, I'm glad I put up this question coz I could have never imagined there'd be so many restrictions!

I do have another question though -- let's say the affiliate programs are cool with it, does it affect my website if I have too many affiliate links on a single page?

If you are promoting Wealthy Affiliate I don't believe that is allowed, but I'm sure someone else will chime in here and give you a m ore definitive answer.

No, not WA. Affiliate programs related to my niche.

But let's say, I do want to put in a para/ post stating, "If you wanna start writing your own thoughts, here's a great platform that supports you in the best way, etc, etc," - you're saying this isn't allowed?

I'm really new at this too, honestly, I would say yes you can but if your working with say Amazon or Shopify or etc. You need to make sure it wouldn't violate any of there guidelines.

Again, I'm hoping someone with more knowledge can give you a better answer.

If you're new too, I'll say let's both wait for someone who's been here a while😅
Thank you though - I really appreciate this spirit of helping in this space :)

Can I chime too?

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