Google Site Kit stats after only 6 articles published !
Hey fellow WA members,
I thought I would shed some light into the world of content creation and ranking, I am aiming this mainly at new WA members or members who maybe starting to lose bit of faith in this business, when results may not show as expected.
At times, I have doubted this business. I have doubted WA. I have doubted myself. But the truth is, if you create good quality content, perform good keyword research and write that content focused around a keyword you want to rank for, you will be successful in getting your content to rank. This is 'Google Juice' and Google loves it !
Below is a screen shot from my Google Analytics showing my impressions and clicks etc over the last 28 days (Impressions are how many times your content is displayed with Google SERPS). If I am getting stats like this with just 6 quality articles, imagine my stats after 60, or 100, 200 etc. It should then be impossible to fail. I generally believe there has been many members who have quit this business and WA who were actually quite close to getting good stats and conversions.
I have under performed in this business. I have been a bit of a slacker at times. But what I have realized is that you HAVE to put the hard work in consistently to get results. And what I am trying to get at is:-
1) You keyword research must be spot on - use Jaaxy!
2) You DO NOT need to write thousands of words in your article to make it rank - sometimes LESS is MORE - as long as it's written from heart and also has your targeted audience in mind, however your content should not be wafer thin, as long as you write about the different topics covered within your article. Remember - you are trying to HELP your audience, not trying to SELL to them.
3) Make sure you publish new content (articles) regularly (at least 2 per week)
4) FOLLOW the 10 Steps to Ranking success ! (link to WA Webinar below)
I because of my stats, I now have the content creation bug and I'm excited to see my business grow!
So, keep writing, keep believing and most of all - Follow the training because it really does work!
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I have 23 post and far from this.. maybe i am doing something wrong then.
Congratulations to you my friend!
There are many factors to ranking Geefour, so don't worry about anything if all you have is 23 posts. Your site's age, domain authority, linking strategy, quality of article, competition, etc. will determine if and when you get ranked. Focus on building your business and everything else will follow.
You're welcome. Now, the biggest thing you need to do is to NOT GIVE UP. It's those times when people feel like quitting when success is just around the corner. Put in the work and you WILL be rewarded. Good luck!
Hi Tim,
You are 100% correct. It is so easy to give up and walk away. That is easy to do. Self-doubt is a killer in this business. I was skeptical in the past as you mentioned in this post.
Your post reminded me of Diane Scorpio's post today, mentioning how long a website can gain steady traffic. She said 7 months or more. I learned from ParthaB and DianeScorpio about needing to write at most 1, 500k words. Articles do not need to be focused on selling, like you mentioned the four points. If people follow that steps, and not give up, they will see traffic increase for you as it did for Diane and Partha.
Thank you for sharing this with us! So good to know for us just starting out. I was really surprised to read that I DO NOT need to write 1000 words. That is the part that I don't like. I have plenty of material but writing 1000 words can sometimes be a challenge. How many words do you think you MUST have?
Thanks Candice.
The exact amount words you should write is not set in stone, but also your content must be wafer thin. I think anything between 600 to 1000 words is sufficient, and sometimes the nature of the subject you are writing about can usually dictate how many words you write.
Hey!!! I just read your post and well I myself was stuck in the process of content and I know we are all here to do the same thing...make money! However, I outsourced my first post on Fiver to get content moving so that I was not sitting for hours staring at my laptop trying to figure out what to write! There is always that option too! Good luck to you :)
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Great going Tim! And all the very best for the future my friend!