Behind the 8 Ball

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I could blame Mule (a.k.a Spouse) for this, but I did have 3 days when he wasn't the focus, so I guess I can't really blame Mule...

See, on Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning, the Spawn, Mule, and I loaded up, drove into the city. Mule was to receive a Turbo Charger Regulator (Pacemaker).

He's prepped and waiting for the CardioMechanic... 4 hours have now past, and it seems they are missing a crucial element for said installation... we are then sent home.

Long story short...bells sounded at the never seen time of morning, of 4 AM. The clan reunited on Friday, and he did have his Turbo Charger Regulator installed. All is well, and his Franken-Part is working. (I'm fortunate that my Spawn are, not only wonderful adults, but have great jobs that allow them to take time for the important things in life).

My blogging here has dropped exponentially in the last 2 weeks, but content creation is way up. Chat participation down, rank tanked, Pintrest exploded to 2K... I'll take the wins!

My sense of humor has been MIA for a few days, as... well, to put it mildly, I've been cranky. Like foaming at the mouth cranky... why?

Who knows? I got up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Fortunately, I feel more like myself now.

In some ways I'm behind the 8 Ball, in other ways, I've cleared the table... who's turn to Break?


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Sometimes we have to cheer for the most important and take the others in stride. Go relax, you deserve it. It's all about balance. You got this!

Great news. Go find a quiet place and yell, scream, give your cranky a voice! Feels great after releasing energy! Lol Cheers AJ

What a great idea AJ!
Thank You for that!

Did you do it? Works a treat! I do it often. Cheers AJ

I did!! Works like a charm!!

"A ninja never quits, remember?", my daughter always tells me when I'm feeling down.

It's a quote from Ninjago which we wrote and put it up to see every day.

😎Thanks, Fran!

Hi Shaunna, you sense of humor is still there for sure. Your posts are always a pleasure to read and learn from. Thank you,

See now, I make all the right preparations, do my RSVP, hire suit, book the taxi, stand waiting while man in tight tuxedo checks to see if name is actually on list, nonchalantly glide in, fashionably late....only to find everyone has gone AWOL....typical.
Happy to hear that Mr.Austin is doing well...Where is Oscar these days ?

Oscar became ensnared in a cover-up scandal.
As the program was leaked (see Wiki), he's under fire, and currently trying to find the person, or person's responsible...
I'm sure your office will receive a call soon regarding this matter.

Obviously trying to use him as the fall guy....

I was wondering if you would... oh my, I'm laughing so hard the tears are rolling!!

As if there was ever any doubt....

So glad to hear mule is on the you can take a deep rejuvenating breath
Tomorrow is a new week..enjoy ur Sunday

Thank you, Cathy!

Great job that was.

Sounds to me like you are doing great.
I do hope Mule stays on the mend.

Thank You... if not I've threatened to 'ship him off' to the Packing Plant

Well as a farmer i can tell the price of beef is going up.
But i do not know about mule meat. LOL


LOL... I'm thinking he's on the gamey side...LOL

Take every win you can! Glad he's doing good, and you're feeling better today too. Have a great Sunday!

Every win counts!
Thank You!

We are so relieved to hear that 'Mule' has received his turbo charger regulator.
Rest up today and let's rock the week ahead!
C & P


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