Why Processed food is Detrimental to the Human Body


"Ashes to ashes and dust to dust" this is a well known quote used at funerals but it also gives us a clue to the living.

Every component that makes up the Earth are found in the human body, so when we die, the body eventually decays back into the soil, hence the above saying.

So what am I trying to say here is the following: All food that was grown in soil our bodies can absorb and assimilate the nutrients found naturally produced foods because they are components that are found in our body as well.

What our bodies cannot absorb and assimilate are all the chemicals found in processed foods because they are foreign to the human body and I believe this is the reason human beings develop cancers and ill health ,especially as they get older.

Common sense tells me that there is a link between processed food and ill health, but the medical establishment(which is controlled by the big pharmaceutical companies, who are only interested in profits ,not cures) nowadays refuse to see the link.

One thing I enjoy about WA is that it has a healthy attitude towards online business and how to get started with your own online business. Everything at WA is out in the open like fresh food which you prepare yourself or in front of others (Jamie Oliver is my favourite!), unlike processed food which is prepared behind closed doors, but has these wonderful labels like: Natural,Fresh,Great Start,etc etc meanwhile the product is anything but what the label proclaims it to be!

"Nuff Said!

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All low fat, no fat, fat free processed foods are full of sugar!Breakfast cereals are full of sugar as well! its SUGAR overload!

Yes time is sometimes a problem, but we overcome that by cooking for the next day.

Hi Anthony.....This post is right up my ally. I have eaten and lived organically for many years now. It is hard for many people to give up the processed and fast foods. But, the people who will not entertain trying to eat better will be in for a big surprise one day. (unfortunately) This happened to me and my diet wasn't even that bad. So, I decided that I would put "Big Pharma" on the back burner (I still visit my doctor) but I figured it was up to me to "heal myself". The main thing that I did many years ago was to totally change my diet. Only fresh veggies and fruit, lots of water, and keep it as pure as possible. As you state here...common sense tells us that there is a link between processed food and ill health. Thank you so much for posting this today. Take Care.

Nice post Anthony! Spot on my friend! Today's food supply is foreign to us! Even fresh foods are running a chance of being grown in soil that does not hold nutrients any longer. It is a daily challenge to stay away from GMO's that have found their way into our grain foods. I realized that you cannot protect yourself from it all. I've adopted a plan and have forwarded the information on to my clients about continually detoxing your system. The human body is an incredible piece of work! It will do everything it can to survive! Even if it is assaulted, it will find a way to be the best it can be. If we give our bodies the proper nutrients and minerals it will function at an incredible level.

Your comparison to WA was sweet! Thank you for sharing this!

I know what you mean, but people want to save time fixing meals, because we are so busy. I try not to buy much of the processed stuff.

Great post that shows the analogy, you have reminded us of eating too much processed garbage! Avoid Diet xxx/Low sugar/Low fats/Low carbs labeled processed products, treated them like scams.

I totally changed my diet, added vitamins & supplements as well as prayer for myself while at church. Today, I can testify that the combination of all these has had positive results: wheelchair & oxygen tank free; Fibromyalgia healed; lost 100 lbs in 3 years (weight gain caused by steroids doctors forced me to take for auto immune diseases diagnosed); depression free; added confidence & a greater capacity of the Father's love for mankind. Oh, I also cut down on gluten products and that lowered my glucose level by 100 points! I'm not allergic, but the grains have also been genetically modified, which is also a bad deal as well for the human body.

good analogy .. agree with the processed food bit something I do not eat, I like to know what is in my meals,

the old computing adage-GIGO or "garbage in, garbage out" applies to humans too, or at least compromised quality of life..

one: How anybody would know in 2014?.
two: Most are too opinionated
three:Don't follow
four: Find out your own truth

I don't eat processed food, etc.

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