Working with what you know!



There are few things as frustrating a finding out you are creating so many issues for yourself as you flounder about. it is a great deal like trying to learn to swim! The harder you flap your arms, the less distance you can cover.

As I have been in the "beginners pool" a good while now, I find that the lack of confidence in what I do know can cause some issues. However, it was reassuring to realise that you have some basis for the information that is being shared.

I had with some past posts created some pages that I was hoping would be evergreen! That was never going to be! They were my first items to publish and were my "babies" that I had slaved over!

Then I decided that I needed to change to Yoast. After adding Yoast, and along with working towards green lights with the old posts, have been working on updating a few of them.

During this process, I created some issues, and now several days later and with the help of one of our great Ambassadors, I find that I am able to work my way through, and move on to other issues. I will not know what problems I am creating for myself until I reach another level of education and understanding.

This is part of why this journey is so much fun, and so exciting! Each layer of education brings about so much understanding!

What I have learned?

Work with what you know and understand.

We are all different and learn at a different pace! Just because someone joined about the same time you did, it does not mean you both bring the same skill level or have the same goals!

If you do not understand, accept Kyle's teaching that just do it and figure it out later! Ok, maybe accept the answers from our Ambassadors as well. After you are a member for a while other long timers will also come to your attention as good people to ask for help from! They all have different special interests and together make up an unbelievable amount of working knowledge.

Just counting my blessings ~~~~~


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Recent Comments


Thanks, I needed to hear this. One step at a time!

Thanks for stopping by. Sometimes sharing one's misery makes the trips a bit easier. However, it seems so worth it when I do make some progress!

Very true! You can only take one bit of sustenance at a time, but the end result is life and creativity.

Apparently one bit at a time is my limit!
However, it is a fun challenge and keeps me on my toes!
Thanks for reading and commenting!

So true :) I Got it no !!! Cheers, Jeff

Thanks for the comment. It is reassuring to know there are others who hear you!
Have a productive week!

Quite refreshing blog- nothing made sense when I started - I had to replay the tutorials a couple of times before it sunk in.

At times I thought whats the point and then that "aha moments" come to my aid and now I am having many "aha moments because I refuse to quit.

PS - It's also important to congratulate yourself how far you have progressed.with WA

Thanks for your comments. I do agree with you about celebrating the small victories. They have been hard won!

I do relate as well to the revisiting the training to figure out what you missed! However as the 'aha" moments come, so many more doors open!

Have a great day,

Great post and advice it has taken me longer to learn some aspects of training however I have progressed a lot and I am grateful for finding WA


Thanks for stopping by. The encouragement you have shared has been appreciated!

We are so fortunate to have the support from the network!

It is indeed Sami hope you have a good day

Right on Sammy !!

Thanks for stopping by. The learning curve continues to rear its' head. However, the support by the networked family keeps me ever struggling on!
Hope you find the support you need when needed.

Thanks for reading. The blessings of the many opportunities continue for me in the learning phase.

I know that the financial success will follow.


i can see it's all coming together for you Sami. Have a great weekend.

From your lips to God's ears!
Thanks for all you do!

Hi Sami, your post is something I can relate to. It is the struggles that we learn the most from. Sometimes progress seems slow but when looking back we can see how far we have come with the help of our WA friends.........have a great weekend........Marty


Seems you are correct in your statement about learning from struggles. Had I known how much I needed to learn, I doubt this journey would have been attempted!
Thanks for the encouragement.

HaHaHa! Sami I know what you are saying,but aren't you happy that you did.........I have thought the same thing...........Marty

I totally understand, I feel I am floundering but I keep moving on one step at a time. I also ask questions. I search for ambassadors to follow as well. When I see one that I am not following , I follow them.

I do agree that the Ambassadors are well named!
Most of my battles are the result of self-doubt!
Thanks for commenting.

Great points Sami, thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for reading and commenting!
Have a great productive weekend!

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